
Nancy Pelosi lays on mask mandates and triggers a revolt [Video]

Nancy Pelosi laid on harsh COVID-19 masking rules for the Lower House of Congress on Thursday, triggering quite a response from her chamber’s members, most particularly Republicans, but even some Democrats have had enough of this. That it is mostly Republicans is a problem, because this so far smells of “political stunt.” However, there may […]

Statists jab your kids in secret in DC while Soros and Gates buy COVID test company [Video]

This headline / subheadline pair certainly do read like the Mother of all Conspiracy Theories. Two foul tastes that together may lead to subservience of billions of people, and the elimination of those pesky Christians… right? As such an evil conspiracy is clearly beyond the reaches of reality, then, one must dismiss this piece out […]

Taking a Trip Through the Magical Mania Tour

Oh, the time I have, putting in application after application, for a job. A job, that’s a double-edged word. What is that job without a jab. Now, one year-plus, perfectly accepted that the restaurant or retail outlet or any manner of “job” can require you to submit to the jab. Make that jabs. This is […]
The post Taking a Trip Through the Magical Mania Tour first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Facebook’s web of deceit about COVID and the Vaccine EXPOSED [Video]

The Epoch Times has a very stunning report about how Facebook has actively been manipulating the information stream when it comes to people reporting about doubts and fears about getting any of the existing COVID-19 vaccinations. As most of us know, this vaccination procedure is being heavily and, quite frankly, rather brutishly promoted by the […]

WATCH: Antiganda

James Corbett’s latest edition of #SolutionsWatch continues the discussion on “positive propaganda” by looking at some examples of #antiganda. Activists around the world are creating eye-catching messages designed to get people to question their conditioning. Here’s how you can join them. Links sources and shownotes, as well as download options and an audio-only version, are …

Tucker Carlson: Why are risks of COVID vaccines being suppressed? [Video]

This is a full reprint of Tucker Carlson’s opinion piece on Fox News, dated May 5th, 2021. It is nonetheless current, given the direction that the Imposter Administration keeps trying to force America towards: Take the vaccine. Or Else. That “Or Else” literally was part of Uncle Joe’s Twitter post. I have never been threatened […]