
Do Blue Dogs Do More Harm Or More Good To The Democratic Party? Meet Abigail Spanberger

Spanberger won her seat without Republican votes but now she caters almost exclusively to GOP votersVirginia elected two freshmen from red districts, Elaine Luria, who replaced Scott Taylor in VA-02 (primarily Virginia Beach, York County and part of Norfolk plus Hampton) and Abigail Spanberger, who replaced Dave Brat in VA-07, a much redder district that includes 10 counties, the largest of them being Chesterfield, Henrico, Spotsylvania and Culp

If Peace Is A Paramount Issue To You, Could You Find Yourself Voting For Republicans In Some Races?

Not afraid to speak truth to powerIgor Volsky and Judd Legum of Think Progress are trying to keep track of who's for bombing Syria and who's opposing it in Congress. And while they're getting a few specifics wrong here and there, theirs is one of the better "whip counts" available to the public right now.

Republican: Kyrsten Sinema "Participated In Pagan Rituals, Singing And Spiraling"

Reactionary Arizona New Dem, Kyrsten Sinema is one of the half dozen most conservative Democrats in Congress. Her voting record on crucial roll calls is worse than even Blue Dogs Mike McIntyre's and Jim Matheson's, who both represent deep red districts (unlike her own). She votes more frequently with the GOP than even fellow Arizona ConservaDems Ann Kirkpatrick and Ron Barber. Unquestionably, she deserves to lose her seat next year.