The Bidens received millions of dollars from their “frenemies” in China

The scandal concerning the US Congress investigation into President Joe Biden and his family’s “influence peddling” has reached new heights. Just a few months ago, at the beginning of February 2023, in his State of the Union Address, Joe Biden described China as his country’s main opponent, adding that if Beijing threatened US sovereignty then […]

ASEAN Pushing Itself Away from the US

In the 42nd ASEAN summit held in Indonesia in May, the group decided to “not become a proxy for anyone.” This was with reference to the increasing pressure the group on the whole is currently facing from the US to counter and contain China in the Indo-Pacific region. This comes on top of the idea […]
Сообщение ASEAN Pushing Itself Away from the US появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

An African Delegation Could Be Biden’s Way Out of the Ukraine Affair

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa recently announced that six African leaders are planning to travel to Ukraine and Russia to try and find a solution to the conflict between the nations. According to the news, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy agreed to receive the African peace mission in their respective capitals. Ramaphosa […]

Sous pression pour armer l’Ukraine, le gouvernement sud-coréen était écouté par les renseignements américains

Séoul serait-elle en train de craquer sous la très vive pression des États-Unis pour fournir des munitions à l’Ukraine ? Source : Responsible Statecraft, Jae-Jung SuhTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises La récente fuite de documents du Pentagone révèle la double menace qui pèse sur la Corée du Sud. Le gouvernement du président Yoon […]

The United States’ futile efforts to keep Sudan in its orbit of influence

The unfortunate events in Sudan, which led to a bloody struggle between two rival generals, revealed the fragility of the policy of orientation towards the “hegemon of democracy,” the United States. The US policy under both Republican and Democratic administrations now reflects Washington’s inability to fully support and assist the democratic transition in that African […]

NATO’s military-industrial complex has its sights firmly set on the Asia-Pacific region

Anticipating the collapse of the “Ukraine project,” NATO’s military-industrial complex is rushing towards the Asia-Pacific region to spark a new conflict in order to satisfy its financial demands. NATO’s post-1991 history is the history of an organization that has outlived its usefulness. The “threat of world communism” that NATO cited as justification for its 40-year […]

Fumio Kishida’s visit to South Korea

As the readers recall, Yoon Suk-yeol, the new President of the Republic of Korea, advocated right from the start for enhancing ties with Japan and shifting attention from the issues of the bygone past to building a better tomorrow. His speech on March 1, 2023 and his visit to Japan on April 16-17, during which, […]
Сообщение Fumio Kishida’s visit to South Korea появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Pour Lockheed Martin et son conseil d’administration, le changement climatique peut continuer de s’aggraver

Lockheed Martin est le plus grand fournisseur militaire du ministère de la Défense, le plus grand consommateur institutionnel de combustibles fossiles au monde. On lui a récemment demandé de but en blanc s’il comptait s’attaquer à son rôle dans l’aggravation du changement climatique. Sa réponse : non. Source : Jacobin Mag, Danaka Kotovich, David GibsonTraduit […]

Washington is escalating military tensions in the Asia-Pacific region

Congressmen from the United States are provoking Beijing and making serious preparations for a military conflict with China over Taiwan. Florida’s Republican Senator Mark Rubio introduced ‘The Deterring Chinese Preemptive Strikes Act’ to Congress in the first week of May to fortify American military bases in the Pacific against potential missile assaults from Beijing. The […]

« Écoterrorisme » : une proposition de loi américaine veut criminaliser les manifestations écologistes

L’État contrôlé par les Démocrates pourrait devenir le vingtième État américain à adopter une loi dite sur les infrastructures critiques. Source : Truthout, Naveena Sadasivam, GristTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Une proposition de loi susceptible de réduire au silence les manifestations en faveur de l’environnement a vu le jour dans un endroit improbable […]