Les travailleurs américains exigent une protection contre les chaleurs extrêmes et les feux de forêts

Alors que la crise climatique s’intensifie, les travailleurs sont contraints de travailler au milieu des fumées toxiques des feux de forêt et à des températures dangereusement élevées. Cependant les travailleurs d’UPS et d’ailleurs s’organisent pour exiger de leurs employeurs qu’ils prennent des précautions en matière de santé et de sécurité. Source : Jacobin, Caitlyn ClarkTraduit […]

Corée du Nord / Corée du Sud : une guerre éternelle qui doit prendre fin

À l’occasion du 70e anniversaire de l’armistice, un nouvel appel en faveur d’un traité de paix entre Washington et Pyongyang. Source : Responsible Statecraft, Gabriela BernalTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Lorsque l’on parle de « guerre » en 2023, la plupart des gens pensent immédiatement à l’Ukraine, puis éventuellement à la Syrie, au […]

The Camp David Summit: Biden With His Puppets

On Friday, August 18th President Biden of the USA, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida met at Camp David, Maryland in the USA, to talk about concrete steps “toward maintaining regional peace and stability” in the Indo-Pacific Region, according to a statement by Anthony Blinken, the American Secretary of […]
Сообщение The Camp David Summit: Biden With His Puppets появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

An excellent, dispassionate assessment of the logistics of the Ukraine – Russia war [Video]

As our readers doubtless are aware, the Special Military Operation is used by biased folks both for and against Ukraine / Russia / the Grays / the side of your own choice. Generally, my own bias is also clearly understood – my hopes are with the Russians. However, the need for flat, dispassionate reports is […]

Iraq: what will the fight against corruption result in?

Since taking office as Iraq’s president in October 2022, Mohammed Shia’ Sabbar Al-Sudani has made, or at least formally announced, a battle against corruption the centerpiece of his domestic agenda. Its progress has been, to put it mildly, underwhelming despite this long-overdue attempt to address the most difficult and crippling issue that is literally eating away […]

La Chine demanderait aux banques de réduire les achats de dollars pour ralentir la dépréciation du yuan

SHANGHAI/BEIJING – Les autorités chinoises de régulation des devises demandent à certaines banques commerciales de réduire ou de reporter leurs achats de dollars américains afin de ralentir la dépréciation du yuan, ont déclaré deux personnes ayant eu directement accès au dossier. Source : ReutersTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Cette directive informelle, dite aussi […]

Turkey plans to annex Aleppo

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced his plan to return Syrian refugees in Turkey to Aleppo. For many years he has proposed a plan to create a safe zone, or de-escalation zone specifically developed to hold the millions of Syrian refugees living in Turkey. The Erdogan plan, dubbed […]

“Chickens are counted in the autumn”… Erdoğan and Menendez take time out

At the NATO summit in Vilnius in July, it was as if a breakthrough had been made in hastening Sweden’s entrance to the North Atlantic Alliance. As previously disclosed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated on the eve and during the summit that Ankara would be willing to expedite the consideration of Sweden’s NATO membership […]