USA in the World

Sanders, Trump and The Spiritual Death of Leo Strauss

At the Feb 25th Democratic Presidential Debate, Bernie Sanders responded  to his critics saying: “Occasionally it might be good to be honest about American foreign policy, and that includes acknowledging the fact that America has overthrown governments in Chile, in Guatemala, in Iran, and when dictators, whether it’s the Cubans or the Chinese do something good, you acknowledge that.”

A Deep State Grudge against Bernie Sanders?

After the Democratic Primary Debate on February 7th, 2020, MSNBC host, Chris Matthews, did what he normally does, which is  give his opinion. However, instead of being clear or coherent and basing his opinion on facts, he let loose a very paranoid sounding, and somewhat confused diatribe against US Senator Bernie Sanders, the Presidential candidate currently leading in the polls.

Trump Policy Wangle in Munich: Human Beings Reduced to Smelly Sauce

US officials at the Munich Security Conference are warning the Syria Civil War may soon flood Europe with refugees. The unnamed United States geopolitical geniuses must have meant to say “again,” but somehow this escaped the Washington Examiner journalist reporting. All we know for sure is that the official was “senior” and that he or she said these new refugees would be “spewed onto Europe.”