USA in the World

Shameful Fiasco in Afghanistan Brings Closer the Collapse of NATO

The shameful events in Afghanistan in recent weeks have led to a dramatic loss of credibility for the US and NATO in the minds of the Western public. The earlier criticism of the Atlantic Alliance’s policies and actions has now increased enormously and has become the most widespread meme in the publications of various media. […]

Kamala Harris Reveals Washington’s Desperation to Contain China

Ever since its inauguration, the Biden administration has not missed any opportunity to give vent to its institutionalised and bi-partisan supported anti-China global orientation. The US Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent visit to Southeast Asia yet gain reinforced the narrative in more than one way. Although she said that the US (re)engagement with the region […]

Scandal Behind the FDA Fake Approval of Pfizer Jab

The US Government regulator for drugs, the Food and Drug Administration, has just announced that it has voted full approval for the mRNA genetic vaccine of Pfizer and BioNTech, or did they? This supposed new status is being used by the Biden Administration and many states and companies to impose mandatory vaccinations. The notoriously conflicted […]

The Dimona Meltdown and America’s Afghanistan Debacle

In and around 1990, Israel’s nuclear weapons facility at Dimona suffered a catastrophic accident, one documented by US security agencies and the IAEA from their observation post on Golan. This story is going to include documentation that will be necessary to add weight to assertions that totally vary from the false historical narrative. It is […]

How Many People in the US Enriched Themselves via the F-35 Fighter Jet Scam?

American research company Wealth-X, which provides access to a unique perspective on the world’s wealth, has published its ninth annual report World Super Wealth 2021. It is devoted to studying the wealthiest individuals, as the authors put it, those whose fortune exceeds 30 million dollars. The authors estimate that despite the widespread woes of the […]

The Real Reason Biden Abandoned Afghanistan So Fast

The scenes from Kabul prompted ten thousand newspapers to frame Saigon evacuation images alongside those from Afghanistan. Only this time Youtube was available to show human bodies falling from US Air Force planes, as Afghans clung to landing gear to escape the Taliban. The scenes, the bitter reality of it all, brought back the memory […]

The Afghanistan Debacle, Zalmay Khalilzad and The Great Reset

Much of the world is shocked by the apparent incompetence of the Biden Administration in the human and geopolitical catastrophe that is unfolding in Afghanistan. While Biden speaks out of both sides of his pre-scripted mouth, stating that everyone else is to blame than his decisions, then stating “the buck stops here,” only adds to […]

One Good Reason To Put Down The New York Times Forever

Why does it always start with the same weak lead-in, the Russophobia, I mean? This time the mighty New York Times overrode journalism 101 to let author Julian E. Barnes properly propagandize what publisher A. G. Sulzberger needs to say about those pesky Russians. The “story” begins like this: “A new campaign appears to be […]

The Hypersonic Fall of US Prestige

The US has finally admitted that “American credibility” in the world is bulging at the seams. And it’s not just its political credibility. This fall began not with Biden or Trump but with the flawed perception by the current US political-military establishment of its alleged exceptionalism and dominance in the world. Despite the policy pursued […]