US War Crimes

It’s All Political: Julian Assange Appeals his Extradition

Julian Assange’s legal team has taken its next step along their Via Dolorosa, filing an appeal against the decision to extradite their client to the United States to face 18 charges, 17 based on the odious US Espionage Act of 1917. Since his violent eviction from the Ecuadorian embassy in April 2019, much to the […]
The post It’s All Political: Julian Assange Appeals his Extradition first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why Did the U.S. Nuke Civilians?

A bombed-out temple in Nagasaki It is an atomic bomb. It is the greatest thing in history. — President Harry S. Truman (August 6, 1945) One of the seemingly endless Good [sic] War myths goes a little something like this: The U.S. had no choice but to drop atomic bombs on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. […]
The post Why Did the U.S. Nuke Civilians? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Handling International Crises: From JFK to Biden 

There are significant parallels between the international crises in Cuba in 1962 and Ukraine today.  Both involved intense confrontations between the USA and the Soviet Union or Russia. Both involved third party countries on the doorstep of a major power.  The Cuban Missile Crisis threatened to lead  to WW3,  just as the Ukraine crisis does […]
The post Handling International Crises: From JFK to Biden  first appeared on Dissident Voice.

For the Peoples of our Region, the Failure of Biden’s Summit of the Americas Would be a Welcome Event

The Summit of the Americas is not the property of the host nation. The U.S. has no right to exclude, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, but has done so in disregard of their sovereignty. The U.S. is not fit to judge others or to be responsible for bringing nations together. Every leader in the hemisphere should boycott […]

Russia-Ukraine war: George Bush’s admission of his crimes in Iraq was no “gaffe”

It was apparently a “gaffe” of the kind we had forgotten since George W Bush stepped down from the US presidency in early 2009. During a speech in Dallas last week, he momentarily confused Russian President Vladimir Putin’s current war of aggression against Ukraine and his own war of aggression against Iraq in 2003. Bush […]

The persecution of Julian Assange

The British home secretary, Priti Patel, will decide this month whether Julian Assange is to be extradited to the United States, where he faces a sentence of up to 175 years – served most likely in strict, 24-hour isolation in a US super-max jail. He has already spent three years in similarly harsh conditions in […]
The post The persecution of Julian Assange first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The West Has Fallen Into Darkness

When reason hath to deal with force, yet so Most reason is that reason overcome. — Paradise Lost (6.125-126) As the Western elites continue to pour weapons into Ukraine to the delight of the armaments industry and the closet Nazis of Natostan, the cult of neoliberalism, which put the Banderite regime in power during the Obama […]
The post The West Has Fallen Into Darkness first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Ukraine: War and the Challenge of Human Rights in the United States and Beyond

Images of burnt flesh from napalm bombs, wounded and dead soldiers, scenes of U.S. soldiers burning the simple huts of Vietnamese villages, eventually turned the public against the war in Vietnam and produced the dreaded affliction, from the ruling class point of view, known as the “Vietnam syndrome.” This collective Post Traumatic Stress Disorder made […]

War Crimes, Mental Molestation and Language Rape

The incredible market for human slaughter called war existed thousands of years ago but it was a corner grocery store compared to the multi-trillion dollar moral sewer that represents modern mass murder. Part of what enables imperial and even lesser powers to slaughter at will is a rule book drawn up long ago when there […]
The post War Crimes, Mental Molestation and Language Rape first appeared on Dissident Voice.

President Joe Biden Seeks to Destroy Russia and Punish the Russian People

Who, really, is the War Criminal? So what does President Joe Biden want the sanctions imposed on Russia to do? Think back to the 1990s and what the US-NATO imposed no-fly zone and sanctions did to the people of Iraq?  The results were almost 1 million Iraqis dead, according to the website Over at […]