US southern border

Lawsuit: Immigrant Kids Are Suicidal, Eating Rotten Food in Secretive Detention Facilities

“I feel like I’ve given up,” says a 17-year-old from Guatemala. “I feel like I’ll never get out of here.” FIONA HARRIGAN – Reason “It is a moral failing and a national shame…when children are locked away in overcrowded detention centers,” reads then-candidate Joe Biden’s presidential campaign website. But thousands of children are still receiving that treatment, despite […]

Trump scores big win with Mexico tariffs, all eyes now turn to China (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the tariff deal reached between the United States and Mexico to “stem the tide of migration”.
US President Trump announced that the tariff threat in response to a surge in illegal migration to the U.S. through Mexico has been suspended. For its part, Mexico has agreed to “strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border.”