US Middle East Allies

The Emperor’s Rage: Let Chaos Envelop the World!

Obama: A Liar of Munchausen Proportions with a Bad Case of Political Paranoia, War Hysteria & Megalomania
Chaos reigns and spreads as enraged leaders in the US, Europe and their clients and allies pursue genocidal wars. Mercenary wars in Syria; Israel’s terror bombing on Gaza; proxy wars in the Ukraine, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia.
Tens of millions of refugees flee scenes of total destruction. Nothing is sacred. There are no sanctuaries. Homes, schools, hospitals and entire families are targeted for destruction.
Chaos by Design

Foundation of the US Empire: Axes of Evil

The US Empire’s Three Regional Axes of Power in the Middle East
Empires are not easy to sustain given the multiple enemies that they provoke: at the international level (imperial rivals and emerging new powers), at the national level (national resistance movements, unreliable clients and untrustworthy ‘Sepoy’ armies) and at the local level (boycotts, sabotage and strikes).