U.S. foreign policy

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq

US and western policy in the conflagration that is now the Middle East is in the classic mould of imperial divide-and-rule. American forces bomb one set of rebels while backing another in Syria, and mount what are effectively joint military operations with Iran against Isis in Iraq while supporting Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen

by Seumas Milne

Changing Alliances and the National Interest in the Middle East – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991

By aiding groups like al-Nusra, the Israelis have forfeited any claim on American sympathy (unless, of course, your a U.S. politician who has been captured by the Zionist lobby).


Mandarin for the Warlords: The Harvard School of Empire Building

  What matters is that the US, while it is a declining world power, is still militarily powerful, dangerous and destructive, even as its empire building is weakening and its forces are in retreat.  As Mahatma Gandhi once stated about the declining British Empire, ‘It’s the aging tiger that becomes the man eater’.

James Petras


‘Low-life Scum’ vs. ‘Great American Villian’ as Citizens Arrest Targets Kissinger

Image: A CODEPINK demonstrator dangles a set of handcuffs in front of former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Armed Services Committee on global challenges and U.S. national security strategy on Capitol Hill in Washington January 29, 2015. The group wanted Kissinger "arrested" for his role during the Vietnam conflict as Secretary of State for then-President Richard Nixon. (Photo: Reuters/Gary Cameron)


Who Are The “Moderates” Washington’s Supporting In Syria?

Image: Free Syrian Army fighters 370. (photo credit:REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah)

The U.S. is sending hundreds of million of dollars to them, and U.S. allies are rallying in support of them, but who, exactly, are Syria’s so-called “moderates” and how much longer can they avoid being sucked into the radical extremism taking hold of the Middle East


ISIS, Israel and US duplicity

Image above: ISIL has captured over a dozen SA-6 Gainful SAM missiles after seizing Tikrit, they also have US made tanks, humvees, trucks, helicopters, and even some fighter aircraft.


The US government claims it has launched several air strikes against ISIS, these are the same ISIS militants that the US and its client states are supporting in Syria; the same breed and stock of militants they let loose like wild dogs to lynch Gaddafi and wreak havoc in Libya.


Open Letter from U.S. Senator Richard H. Black to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad


“My personal thanks to the Syrian Arab Army and Air Force for protecting all patriotic Syrians, including religious minorities, raped, tortured, kidnapped and beheaded at the hands of the foreign jihadists”……Senator Richard H. Black  of Virginia, 13th District