US Elections

Writing, Exploring, And My Pulling a Thoreau this August

One of my favorite quotes of Henry David Thoreau is this:
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”
That quote captures the spirit of “carpe diem”, seize the day - except the idea is to seize every day, every experience, every awakening, and every awareness. It’s following the human impulse to explore the unexplored, question what doesn’t ring true, dig beneath the surface of what you think you know to formulate your own reality, and embrace the inherent ‘now’ of life.

My Financial Road Map For 2016

Happy New Year to All! May 2016 bring peace to you and your loved ones.
Over the holidays, I had the opportunity to stay away from airports and hike Runyon Canyon with my dogs. For those of you that have never traversed Runyon’s peaks and dips, they are nature’s respite from the urban streets of Los Angeles, yet located in the heart of the City of Angels. It’s a place in which to observe, reflect, and think about what’s coming ahead.