US Elections

Highlights from St Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 opened on June 1, 2017 under the slogan ‘Achieving a New Balance in the Global Economic Arena’.
The key themes of the Forum were: ‘Made in Russia: Creating a National Brand’, ‘Injecting Dynamism in the Russian Far East Economy’, ‘Destination Russia – Shifting Trends Towards Domestic and Incoming Tourism’, ‘Globalization Revisited: Is Every Country on Its Own Now?’, ‘The Development of the Legal Audio and Video Content Market’, ‘The Changing Economics of Transportation and Logistics’

NEW STUDY exposes exactly why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 US elections

No it was not the Russians. It was not James Comey, or the Green party, or fake news, or the “depolorables.” And it was not Wikileaks that cost Hillary Clinton the election.
HRC was the worst candidate we have seen this century, running for just about any public office in all the land.
Her campaign was staffed with snowflake, liberal idiots, who blew through billions of dollars discussing identity politics and zero policy ideas…and now a A Wesleyan University study proves this point out.

Is it true that Putin called Obama a “negro” once?

To refresh everyone’s memory, while Donald Trump was campaigning for the White House, he was being bombarded with questions by the media about his relationship with Vladimir Putin and why he thought so highly of him.
Trump used this opportunity at a press conference last July to jab at Barack Obama and underscored the lack of respect world leaders had of him – namely Putin. So much disrespect that he heard the Russian President mention the “n-word”.

5 countries liberals and feminists should visit

Many liberals and feminists, including celebrities, athletes, and famous people (clearly much smarter than the rest of us) have promised to leave the U.S. if ‘The Donald’ was elected President of the United States.
Well, Donald Trump has officially taken his rightful place in the Oval Office, yet so many of those who promised to leave the U.S. – are, well…still here…
For reference, here’s a list of some of those celebrities:

Michael Moore calls on all liberal warmongers to unite for “100 days of resistance” during Trump’s first 100 days

Michael Moore, an outspoken critic of President-elect Donald Trump, took to Hillary Clinton media outlet MSNBC to discuss his plan to oust trump from the US Presidency with a “100 days of resistance” movement.
Multi-millionaire, elitist Moore can’t possibly conceive that Donald Trump will enter the White House in January, and clean up the corrupt establishment that has pampered SJW, politically correct elitists like Moore for nearly a decade.
During the segment, Moore describes Trump in a way that sounds like Michael Moore describing Michael Moore. Projection perhaps?