US Elections

Russophobia a futile bid to conceal US, European demise

Russophobia is a futile bid to conceal US, European demise by Finian Cunningham, originally appeared at RT
It is an age-old statecraft technique to seek unity within a state by depicting an external enemy or threat. Russia is the bête noire again, as it was during the Cold War years as part of the Soviet Union.
But the truth is Western states are challenged by internal problems.

Russia condemns ‘Kremlin list’ of Putin associates

Putin at a meeting with heads of security and intelligence services of CIS states on 10th July, 2014 at the Kremlin, Moscow [PPIO]
A number of senior Russian political figures have strongly condemned a list drawn up by the US Treasury Department which includes lawmakers and businessmen with close ties to the presidency who may be targeted as part of future sanctions against Moscow.
The list of more than 200 people includes 43 aides to Russian President Vladimir Putin, such as Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

How to get labeled a Putin stooge

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‘Collusion’ claims BACKFIRE on Democrats threefold, but Russia is more evil than ever

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President Trump turns on Attorney General Jeff Sessions

In back to back tweets earlier today, US president Donald Trump signaled a lack of confidence in his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who until now was considered one of his staunchest allies.
The senator from Alabama was the first US senator to endorse Trump, and publicly supported the president throughout the unconventional campaign that brought him to the White House.

Russia, US agree to Syria ceasefire amid Putin-Trump meeting

Both Putin and Trump wanted to extend their first meeting beyond the 140 minutes, US officials have said on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany [PPIO]
It was meant to last for half an hour but the first face-to-face meaning between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump last for more than two hours.
In a much anticipated meeting which US media had speculated would be a charged, high-stakes face-to-face, the two leaders exchanged pleasantries as if they were two old friends trying to work out a difference between them.