US Elections

Macedonia’s NATO accession talks have begun

In its mission to further develop a growing alliance to fend off the Russian aggression threat, NATO is officially engaging in talks with Macedonia. Following Crimea’s ‘annexation’ by Russia, Russia is perceived as a very grave threat by some European nations which seem to fear something like that happening to them. A High NATO Delegation has taken place in Skopje, headed up by the leader of the Euro-Atlantic & Global Partnership office of NATO.

Concerns about alleged Russian meddling in German elections ‘proven wrong’

From political processes to assassinations to international sporting events to terrorist attacks, the Russians are alleged to have a hand in it all somehow, somewhere. Not only is Russia supposed to have interfered in the 2016 US Presidential election somehow, but it’s been alleged that the Russians were also hacking or meddling or something of that nature the Brexit vote, Danish elections, the Catalonia independence referendum, the Germany parliamentary elections, the Italian elections, etc.

Putin: We had nothing to do with US elections

The Russian and US delegations led by Putin and Trump met for a working lunch in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018 [PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin has hailed his summit with US President Donald Trump as a first step to clearing tensions between their two countries and denied any role in the 2016 presidential election.
“Of course, numerous problems persist, and we have failed to clear the backlog in full, it was impossible to do this, but I believe we have made the first important step in that direction,” he told reporters.

Analysis: Political theater as Putin meets Trump

Putin and Trump met at the 25th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Vietnam in November 2017 [PPIO]
Russian president Vladimir Putin met his US counterpart Donald Trump with a slight advantage in Helsinki, Finland on Monday.
That would be a World Cup advantage.
Putin was in attendance at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow where in a dramatic finale to what many agree has been the most successful World Cup in years, France defeated Croatia 4 to 2.
In their opening sit-down in front of the press in Helsinki, Trump reiterated his tweet from the previous evening:

Senate agrees with Intel report that Russia meddled in 2016 presidential election

While a Senate delegation is in Moscow preparing for an upcoming meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Senate Intelligence Committee is releasing a report on the findings of the intelligence community on an investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the US presidential election of 2016.

Vienna could be the host for a Trump-Putin meeting

The prospect of a formal meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin has been floating around for some time, but due to suspicions of Russian collusion in the 2016 US presidential election by Trump’s political opponents, that hasn’t been allowed to manifest, as of yet. However, Trump says he wants to meet with Putin, and Putin has said repeatedly that he’s open to such a meeting. Trump has stated that he thinks he could meet with the Russian President this summer, and the Austrian capital of Vienna could potentially be the host.

Here’s why America’s torturer-in-chief now runs the CIA

On May 17th, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee voted 10 to 5 to approve Gina Haspel as America’s new chief of the Central Intelligence Agency. Back in 2002, she had headed the CIA’s “black site” in Thailand where she ordered and oversaw the torturing of Abu Zubaydah, trying to force him to provide evidence that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, but Zubaydah had no such evidence and wasn’t even able credibly to concoct a story that President George W. Bush could use to ‘justify’ America’s invading Iraq in response to 9/11.

EU leaders make joint stand on JCPOA, American sanctions

EU Council President Donald Tusk said to the EU Commission head, Jean-Claude Juncker, “You said that the problem with Iran, in the past, and maybe today and tomorrow, is unpredictability. I think the real geopolitical problem is when you have not an unpredictable opponent, the problem is when your closest friend is unpredictable. It’s not a joke, this is the essence of our problem today on the other side of the Atlantic.”

Putin: Russia to modernize nuclear deterrents

Russia’s modern supersonic and high-altitude weapons will force the West to take it seriously, Putin has said [PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir has said that a global balance of power is a necessity to ensure security and stability around the world.
During a meeting with Armed Forces commanders and defense industry executives on Tuesday, the Russian president lauded his country’s development of new weapons systems as deterrents.
One such new program is the S-500 surface-to-air anti-missile system which builds on the success of the S-400 system currently in use.