US election 2020

Biden Victory: A Mere Sigh of Relief or a Sign of Salvation?

  Last four years of Trump presidency has been the most chaotic if not the most problematic that the US and the world at large have experienced, ever. Mr. Trump’s governing style has been unique and bewildering. He made White House a twitter factory – made policies, hired and fired people and attacked his opponents through twitters. Furthermore, and not[Read More...]

Democracy In The Grips Of A Trumpian struggle Between Heaven & Hell, Good & Evil

On the eve of his defeat as President of the United States, Donald Trump chose not to utter so much as a word at the 2020’s 11th Hour of the 11th day of the 11th month Remembrance Day wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument in the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. To this writer, Trump’s odd[Read More...]

Playing Politics with the Truth

The 1980 film Brubaker starring Robert Redford, based on a true story, had one scene that told it all.  Reform warden Henry Brubaker gets fired for seeking to uncover past corruption surrounding the penitentiary. As he is walking away down the hallway, his friend Lillian, who works for the governor and actually got him the job, runs after him. She[Read More...]

A New Strategy For The American Left

Joe Biden won the 2020 US Presidential Election after narrowly defeating the sitting president Donald Trump. This victory comes at a tremendous cost: the defeat of an incipient counter-hegemonic movement which embryonically expressed demands for an alternative future to capitalism. Even after the collective utterance of anger against police brutality and the nascent realization of the structural violence of capitalism, the electoral mechanisms of[Read More...]

‘Ready to overturn election results’: Trump lawyer Powell; Trump: Only fake news calls Biden winner

source Sydney Powell, A Trump campaign lawyer says they’re ready to overturn election results in multiple states. She says there’s so much evidence of fraud, it’s like ‘it’s coming in through a fire hose,’ thousands of voters turn out in Carson City, Nevada over the weekend to rally for election integrity, and President Donald Trump […]

A strategy comes home to roost

Traveling around Venezuela in 2005, it occurred to me that the paint merchants must be doing very well. There had been a recall referendum the year before. The question on the ballot was a simple yes or no: Shall President Hugo Chávez be recalled? The word “NO” was still painted on walls, pillars, even random rocks along the highway everywhere[Read More...]

There’s No Returning to Normal After Trump

 Imagine for a moment that Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election in 2016. Imagine, in other words, that the “blue wall” of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania had held firm four years ago. Claiming election fraud, Donald Trump would have insisted on a recount and Election Day would then, too, have stretched into election week and election month. Eventually, Trump[Read More...]

The future is in our hands

The election is now over and Joe Biden is the President-elect. What is likely to happen after Biden is inaugurated? The incoming Biden administration will face numerous huge problems left behind by the Trump administration. It is likely that Covid-19 will still be a major concern here and in many other nations around the world. President Biden will also have[Read More...]

Real platitudes from a fake democracy — and a sigh of relief

Trump is gone and not a minute too soon. You know he’s treated very unfairly. Horribly. The IRS treats him very unfairly. Everyone’s nasty to him. Just recently Leslie Stahl was very nasty to him. At the same time, the Proud Boys are standing down and standing by. I have to wonder if there aren’t some that cringe and wish[Read More...]