US election 2020

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer

“They call my people the White Lower Middle Class these days. It is an ugly, ice-cold phrase, the result, I suppose, of the missionary zeal of those sociologists who still think you can place human beings on charts.  It most certainly does not sound like a description of people on the edge of open, sustained and possibly violent revolt,” wrote[Read More...]

End of Election of American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of US of A

As the world watches in fascinated horror, the US’s election-results fiasco drags on. Donald Trump, who now presides over the greatest UnReality Show, has been unequivocally told, “You’re Fired.” Yet, he continues in some La-La-Land of Denial, playing hooky on international zoom conferences, and golf. His mastiff-like pugnaciousness and refusal to acknowledge reality  in the face of overwhelming evidence reminds one[Read More...]

What If They Called an Election and Nothing Changed in the War State?

In this mystifying moment, the post-electoral sentiments of most Americans can be summed up either as “Ding dong! The witch is dead!” or “We got robbed!” Both are problematic, not because the two candidates were intellectually indistinguishable or ethically equivalent, but because each jingle is laden with a dubious assumption: that President Donald Trump’s demise would provide either decisive deliverance[Read More...]

Keep it Hot and Don’t Move On

With the recent Democratic win in the US election, all sorts of people have been calling for a “lowering of the temperature,” “coming together,” and “forgiving and forgetting.” “Let’s heal,” they say and “move forward.” “Now,” they say, “is not the time for politics.” Notoriously- and righteously- missing from this group of what Pankaj Mishra would call “Bland Fanatics,” are[Read More...]

Trump vs Biden: Will the Future Belong to the Patriots or the Globalists?

Matthew Ehret It is an undeniable fact that the republic has entered one of the most dangerous crises of its short existence. This is not only due to the disputed election results of November 3rd, but also to a multitude of other factors beyond American borders, including the global financial crisis which a certain pandemic …

American Presidential Election and Democracy Look for Change, Moral and Intellectual Leadership

Presidential Election in Stained Democracy When false claims challenge the truth, it breeds fearful and ferocious public outcomes. No wonder, why the American masses are more divided today than any time in recent history. American presidential elections failed to produce a viable prospect for the working of democracy. The nation is entrenched in an unending political crisis, more of opinions[Read More...]

Dominion Voting shares office with far-left George Soros linked group

source Toronto based Rebel News discover Soros backed organisation located on the same floor in the same building as Dominion Voting.  It is not a conspiracy, it is just a coincidence! Reporting Keean Bexte   November 17, 2020 The vote tabulation company at the centre of several controversies surrounding the legitimacy of the American presidential election […]