us aggression

The US and Israel Playing their Cards in the Middle East

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, now 97 years old and having long lost his sense of the reality of international affairs, recently unleashed a new idea, menacingly declaring that a return to the “spirit” of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal would lead to weapons spread throughout the Middle East. These comments came during […]

The World has Changed, but Do Not Expect the Incoming Biden Administration to Change Also

One of the great pretences currently being played out to a gullible public is that it actually matters which of Biden or Trump actually won the recent United States presidential election. There is certainly a body of evidence that suggests that the election was less than squeaky clean, but has that been the case since […]

The United States has Intensified the Process of Forming Coalitions against its Adversaries

The results of Washington’s foreign policy in recent years demonstrate that the United States is openly adhering to the principle of the “Wild West”, consolidating the rights of the strong at the expense of international law and UN principles. This is exactly what explains Washington’s escalation of crisis situations – and not only in the countries in the Middle East, but also in many other regions, with the United States then trying to “solve” them through military interventions.

The Military Cavalry of US Ambassadors in CIS is Increasing

Nowadays, it comes as no surprise that US policy is becoming more militaristic with each passing day.
We can see this by the approaches the White House takes toward resolving domestic policy issues, and the forceful methods adopted by the American police in confronting people, and not only the country’s black population.

New US Plans in the Middle East

The third trilateral summit between Egypt, Jordan, and Iran took place at the end of August in Amman, Jordan.  The first summit took place in Cairo in March last year, and the second one was held in New York during the regular session of the UN General Assembly in September 2019.  Iraq was represented by Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi in the first two summits, and by his successor in the post, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, in the most recent summit.