UNRWA’s human rights curriculum suffocates Palestinian resistance

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | February 27, 2014

The curriculum taught to students in schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has been criticised by Hamas through a statement issued by the Education Ministry, which declared the human rights textbooks provided by UNRWA to be detached from Palestinian reality.

Action Alert: End the Siege on Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria


As the conflict in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria enters its 200th day, the United States Palestinian Community Network’s (USPCN’s) National Coordinating Committee expresses great concern regarding the escalating crisis. USPCN calls on all parties to allow aid into the camp to meet the humanitarian needs of the refugees there.   We call for an end to the hostilities in the camp, and for food and medical supplies to be delivered immediately to those in need.