UNRWA’s existence might be contested, but it is essential for Palestine refugees

By Francesca Albanes and Terry Rempel | MEMO | September 4, 2019 These are dire times for UNRWA, the UN agency established to care for refugees displaced from Palestine at the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. As the Agency approaches its seventieth anniversary, with its mandate up for renewal by the UN […]

New Zealand suspends funding to Palestinians through UNRWA

MEMO | August 28, 2019 The government of New Zealand has withdrawn and suspended funding to the United Nations’ (UN) aid agency which provides support for Palestinians. The country’s suspension of aid and financial contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is to be implemented until the release of a report by […]

President Trump’s Goal for Financing Palestinians Is a Guessing Game

Pierre Krahenbuhl, the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or Unrwa, briefs journalists at the UN after a pledging conference for the agency, June 25, 2019. The $110 million that was raised will get the agency through the summer. LOEY FELIPE/UN PHOTO
The United Nations refugee agency for Palestinians is vastly short of funds for 5.4 million people, while the Trump administration is doing its best to shut down the program and initiate new, albeit controversial financing.

UNRWA rejects US call for dismantling UN agency for Palestinian refugees

Press TV – May 23, 2019 The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has rejected a US call to dismantle the agency, saying it cannot be blamed for the stalemate in the so-called peace efforts. “I unreservedly reject the accompanying narrative that suggests that somehow UNRWA is to […]

In Hebron, Israel removes the Last Restraint on its Settlers’ Reign of Terror

You might imagine that a report by a multinational observer force documenting a 20-year reign of terror by Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers against Palestinians, in a city under occupation, would provoke condemnation from European and US politicians.
But you would be wrong. The leaking in December of the report on conditions in the city of Hebron, home to 200,000 Palestinians, barely caused a ripple.

Is There a Plot to Depopulate Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon?

An eerie video composed of a recorded audio prayer and a photo of one ‘Hajj Jamal Ghalaini’ occasionally pops up on Facebook. The voice is that of an alleged religious sheikh, praying for the well-being of the man in the photo for saving the Palestinian refugee youth of Lebanon, by facilitating their departure to Europe.