University of Washington

University of Washington Gives Female Volleyball Scholarship to Trans Athlete

UW appears set to award one of only 12 female volleyball scholarships to Tate Drageset, a 17-year old natural-born male who is transgender and reportedly began “transitioning” at the age of 12. None of his teams, schools, or volleyball associations have revealed that he is a male playing as a transgender girl.

BDS suppression backfires as universities pass resolutions

RT | April 25, 2016 The United Auto Workers (UAW) union at the University of California has been fighting to uphold a resolution passed to support the BDS movement against Israel. Its struggle has inspired other university unions to pass their own resolutions. The UAW Local 2865, which includes some 14,000 students and teaching assistants […]

Le Pentagone admet se préparer pour un soulèvement social massif aux États-Unis

Un programme de recherche entrepris par le Département de la Défense US a mis en évidence l’inquiétude du Pentagone concernant un soulèvement social étendu.
Plus choquant encore que cette information explosive, le Pentagone investit dans des universités afin de créer des modèles de risques et des points de basculements qui surviendraient suite à l’effondrement de la société américaine dans son ensemble.