Universal health care

Universal Healthcare Is Nothing To Fear— A Guest Post By Julie Oliver

After her first run against corrupt Republican Roger Williams-- in a gerrymandered central Texas district where she did far better than anyone expected-- Julie Oliver was unsure if she would run again. But at that time-- back in February-- she wrote a post about universal healthcare. “Those who use ‘socialism’ as a pejorative term to fear-monger,” she wrote, “want you to think that America can’t afford to provide universal healthcare.

Western leaders can be pragmatic…so long as it involves domestic issues

In terms of foreign policy making, pragmatism has died in the west, although there are some glimmers of hope that it may be resurrected under a Trump Presidency.
But in other areas, pragmatism bordering on cynicism is not only present in the west but omnipresent. However,  it is found virtually exclusively in the realm of domestic issues.

Corrupt Political Hacks Like Steve Israel And Chuck Schumer Promote Other Corrupt Hacks Like Themselves... Take Patrick Murphy In Florida

Today I got another shameless fundraising email from a Senate Democrat doing Wall Street's bidding-- Barbara Boxer, disgracing herself as she hobbles out the door by referring to reactionary "ex"-Republican, Patrick Murphy, as a "bold progressive" and asking people who trust her to contribute to his right-wing campaign. Maybe "bold-faced liar" would have been more precise.

Obamacare is Doomed by Its Internal Logic

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by  Glen Ford | November 20, 2013

Obamacare is unraveling, not because the administration is particularly incompetent or unlucky, and certainly not as a result of the Republicans’ unrelenting hostility to the Obama health insurance plan. Indeed, ever since the bill’s passage in early 2010, the GOP’s holy war against Obamacare has served to solidify reflexive Democratic support for what has always been a Republican-inspired bill.