Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Human Rights Defenders

Snowden as Samson, bringing the puzzle palace down around his head; Manning as Prometheus, tortured for her gift to mankind by ceaseless humiliation at the hands of dim jarhead martinets; the men who exposed the drone-massacre sweatshops, beggared by government decree; the helpless black witnesses of Ferguson and Baltimore, always photographed silhouetted by leaping flames like victims of auto-da-fé instead of killer cops.

The Enemy Within

Snowden as Samson, bringing the puzzle palace down around his head; Manning as Prometheus, tortured for her gift to mankind by ceaseless humiliation at the hands of dim jarhead martinets; the men who exposed the drone-massacre sweatshops, beggared by government decree; the helpless black witnesses of Ferguson and Baltimore, always photographed silhouetted by leaping flames like victims of auto-da-fé instead of killer cops.

One Word Would Change the World

With that one word, Obama could earn his Nobel Peace Prize and glory in an achievement too long delayed, revel in the dissolution of the power of AIPAC over America, find solace in the reality that under his administration the world found the United States that acted on its true beliefs of inclusiveness of all and for all, both in the United States and in the community of nations. 


“How long a time lies in one little word!” (Shakespeare, Richard II)


The Goal of the BDS Movement Is Justice: Israel Denies Justice and therefore does not Exist as a Legitimate State

The BDS Movement does not have to dismantle the state of Israel, the state of Israel is not only dissembling its inherent Judaic roots of compassion and equity for all humans but delegitimizing the state itself…
William A. Cook               Intifada Palestine