United States

‘Jaw-Dropping’ Evidence Syngenta Knew Its Paraquat Weedkiller Could Cause Parkinson’s

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. | The Defender | January 19, 2023 Swiss chemical giant Syngenta and Chevron USA for decades covered up research showing long-term exposure to the weedkiller paraquat could cause the incurable brain ailment known as Parkinson’s disease, internal documents reveal. “It’s jaw-dropping information because at the same time, the companies were saying publicly the opposite […]

Saudi Crown Prince defies the US policy against Syria

By Steven Sahiounie | Free West Media | January 22, 2023 In November 2022, Saudi Arabia formally changed its stance on Syria. Saudi Arabia is the political powerhouse of the Middle East, and often shares positions on foreign policy and international issues with the UAE, which has previously re-opened their embassy in Damascus. “The kingdom […]

JFK and America’s Destiny Betrayed

A Review of DiEugenio’s “Foreign Policy Coup” Theory BY LAURENT GUYÉNOT • UNZ REVIEW • JANUARY 21, 2023 I have watched Oliver Stone’s documentary on the assassination of JFK, both the short version, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, and the long version in four episodes, JFK: Destiny Betrayed. I recommend the latter, which I will discuss […]

Could this US case explode the global censorship cartel orchestrated by the BBC?

By Serena Wylde | TCW Defending Freedom | January 19, 2023 As the legacy media are showing no let-up in their vicious mendacity, particularly concerning Andrew Bridgen MP, it seems pertinent to highlight the likely next steps in the landmark case against the BBC-orchestrated cartel, the ‘Trusted News Initiative’, recently filed in Texas by Children’s […]

New Study Shows Respiratory Syncytial Virus Not a Hospitalization Threat to Frail Adults

Media Hype Died as Data Show Ambulatory Management is Sufficient By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH | Courageous Discourse | January 21, 2023 I have noticed on occasion over the past three years that media hype can well up over an infectious disease threat and then for unexplained reasons the story is dropped without follow-up […]

A Taiwan bloodbath might suit US decision-makers just fine

Wargames point to heavy losses in a conflict with China, but that’s unlikely to discourage America’s war advocates By Tony Cox | RT | January 21, 2023 Most sane human beings would shudder to think about the carnage that would result from a US-China war over Taiwan. For the warmongers and military-industrial-complex profiteers in Washington, […]

US urges Ukraine not to ‘fixate’ on defending key city

RT | January 21, 2023 The US believes that Ukraine should “refocus” on preparations for a new offensive, suggesting fierce battles for the eastern city of Artyomovsk (called Bakhmut by Ukraine) may be “hampering” Kiev, according to multiple news outlets, citing a senior US official. The comments cut against months of Western media reports that described […]

‘US, British Snipers Sent to Potemkin Island Near Kherson’

Samizdat – 21.01.2023 Ukrainian servicemen have told Russian security forces that snipers from the United States and the United Kingdom have been sent to Potemkin Island (Ostriv Velykyi Potomkin) near Kherson to kill civilians in order to pass them off as victims of the Russian Armed Forces, a Russian law enforcement source told Sputnik. “According […]

Under Biden Federal Agencies Turned Into Instrument of Intimidation, FBI Whistleblower Says

By Ekaterina Blinova – Samizdat – 20.01.2023 The GOP-controlled House of Representatives has formed a judiciary subcommittee on the “weaponization of the federal government,” including law enforcement and national security agencies. FBI special agent Steve Friend explained to Sputnik what the trigger for the initiative, which has been compared with the famous Church Committee, was. […]