United States

Former DEA Agent Details How the CIA Concealed Identity of Two 9/11 Hijackers Granted Visas to the U.S. From the FBI

New Evidence Shows that the CIA Also Obstructed the 9/11 Commission Investigation Dan Christensen, an investigative reporter and editor of the Florida Bulldog, has written an important article on the CIA’s concealment of the identities of two alleged hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, from the FBI. Unfortunately, the mainstream media and alternative media have […]

Ukraine war: The short view

BY M. K. BHADRAKUMAR | INDIAN PUNCHLINE | MAY 12, 2023  Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky has somewhat eased the suspense by his remark to the western media on Thursday that his army needs to wait and still needs “a bit more time” to launch the much-anticipated counter-offensive against Russian forces.  He acknowledged that Ukraine’s combat […]

Turkish Foreign Minister Says Ankara Won’t Wait for US F-35 Jets, Wants $1.4Bln Back

Sputnik – 13.05.2023 ANKARA – Turkiye has no plans to wait until it is brought back to the US F-35 multirole fighter program, from which it was officially removed two years ago, and seeks a refund of $1.4 billion paid for the jets, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday. “We want out money […]

Historical anomaly of unipolarity has indisputably ended

By Andrew Korybko | Global Times | May 11, 2023 There’s a heated debate in the US nowadays about the future of global affairs. Some believe that what’s been described as their country’s unipolar moment is ending and giving way to multipolarity, while others believe that the US remains the world’s most comprehensively powerful country […]

FBI Contractor Created Fake Online IDs to Join Chatrooms Run by Groups Organizing Against Vaccine Mandates

By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. | The Defender | May 12, 2023 An FBI surveillance contractor infiltrated the chatrooms of two airline industry groups opposed to vaccine mandates to collect intelligence on the groups’ organizing activities, investigative journalist Lee Fang reported. The contractor, Flashpoint, which in the past infiltrated Islamic terror groups, now focuses on “anti-vaccine” groups and other […]

Robert Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate to still be banned from Instagram

By Tom Parker | Reclaim The Net | May 12, 2023 Robert Kennedy Jr., a Democratic candidate for the 2024 United States presidential election, revealed that his account is till banned from Instagram and accused the tech giant of preventing him from accessing the site, despite him being a contender for the White House. This […]

America’s Sanction Idiocy

Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Charlie Munger recently said that everything that increases tensions between China and the U.S. is “stupid, stupid, stupid.” Microsoft Founder Bill Gates believes the U.S. will not “be successful at preventing China from having great chips.” Even American businesses try to get around the country’s export controls and protect their […]