United States

Is the United States Moving Its Capital to Jerusalem?

American Politicians flock to Israel while dismembering the US Constitution in deference to Jewish power BY PHILIP GIRALDI • UNZ REVIEW • MAY 16, 2023 It would seem that American politicians and media think that the entire world should rightly conform to the marching orders emanating from Washington, even though that pretense has become a […]

Up to 4.5 Million Dead in ‘Post-9/11 War Zones’ – Study

By Will Porter | The Libertarian Institute | May 16, 2023 The far-reaching effects of America’s War on Terror may have contributed to the deaths of some 4.5 million people, according to new research by Brown University’s ‘Costs of War’ project. While many of the fatalities were the direct result of violent conflict, indirect causes […]

‘Entire Investigative Team’ Removed From Hunter Biden Tax Probe

By Oleg Burunov – Sputnik – 16.05.2023 Since 2018, Hunter Biden has been under a series of investigations into tax-related crimes, drug use, money laundering and illegal business dealings in foreign countries, including Ukraine and China. On Monday, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) removed the investigative team from their protracted tax fraud probe of […]

“TREASON!”: Trump Responds To Report Concluding FBI Russia Probe Was Unfounded

By Steve Watson | Summit News | May 16, 2023 President Trump has called for everyone involved in the Russian collusion ploy, including Hillary Clinton, to “pay a heavy price,” after a report from Special Counsel John Durham concluded that the FBI investigation into the 2016 Trump presidential campaign was totally unfounded. “After extensive research, […]

On April 25, 1945, U.S. and Russian Soldiers Shook Hands and Made a Pledge For Peace

There is No Reason it Cannot Happen Again [Below is a speech given by Joseph Wolff, the son of Joseph Polowsky, an American GI from Chicago during World War II who was involved in the famous Elbe River link-up at the end of the war and became a lifelong peace activist, to commemorate the 78th […]

Special Counsel John Durham Exonerates Donald Trump of “Russiagate”

By Paul Craig Roberts | Institue for Political Economy | May 16, 2023 Durham’s long awaited Justice Department report concludes that the FBI investigation was politically motivated and that the FBI should never have investigated Trump. Durham concludes that The Justice Department and FBI “failed to uphold their mission” when they created a false narrative […]

Special Counsel John Durham’s Report Released

New York Times especially revolting in perpetration of massive and ridiculous fraud By John Leake | Courageous Discourse | May 16, 2023 On Sunday, June 12, 2016, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said in an interview on the British political show, ITV Peston: “We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton … We have emails pending […]