United States

First COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit in U.S. Targets U.S. Government, Social Media Giants

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. | The Defender | May 23, 2023 Five people injured by COVID-19 vaccines, along with a father whose 16-year-old son died from vaccine-induced cardiac arrest, are suing the Biden administration and top U.S. public health officials. In a lawsuit filed Monday, the plaintiffs — including Brianne Dressen who suffered severe nerve damage after taking the AstraZeneca […]

A Pfizer Document the FDA Tried to Hide Shows LNPs from COVID-19 Vaccine Travel Everywhere in the Body

By Aaron Siri | Injecting Freedom | May 23, 2023 When the Covid-19 vaccines rolled out, public health officials took great pains to downplay how the vaccines spread from the injection site. Articles with language like this were common: “Most of the mRNA vaccine stayed in the injection site muscle—where you get the shot.” We now know […]

It’s Good News Week

Joe Biden is creating enemies everywhere BY PHILIP GIRALDI • UNZ REVIEW • MAY 23, 2023 Well, if you thought the American Civil War ended back in 1865, you are apparently wrong. No less an authority than President Joe Biden, in a May 13th commencement speech to historically black Howard University’s graduates, told the overwhelmingly black students […]

Leaked recordings expose shocking state corruption in ‘US governed’ Moldova

Kit Klarenberg · The Grayzone  May 18, 2023 The Grayzone has obtained video recordings of well-connected figures within Moldova’s political and business community openly testifying to rank corruption within the country’s government and economy, while outlining schemes to enrich Western investors for an appropriate fee. The invasion of Ukraine placed the tiny country of Moldova […]

What’s Behind IRS Turning Blind Eye to Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton Cases?

By Ekaterina Blinova – Sputnik – 23.05.2023 Last week, an IRS whistleblower’s team was abruptly removed from the probe into US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, which prompted a second IRS whistleblower to come forward. However, in response, the IRS leadership resorted to intimidation against the whistleblower’s team. Has blowing a whistle become illegal in […]

RFK Jr Slams ‘Political Weaponization Of The FBI To Destroy A Sitting President’

By Steve Watson | Summit News | May 23, 2023 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has charged that a “matrix of lies” was used by a “weaponised” FBI in an attempt “to destroy a sitting president.” RFK Jr. was responding to journalist Matt Taibbi’s reporting on the Durham report, which effectively exonerated President […]