United States

Canadian Wildfires Blamed on Climate Change – But Fire Numbers Are at Historic Lows

Politicians and journalists have been quick to blame the Canadian wildfires on climate change, but they fail to mention that fires in Canada are currently at historic lows.
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How Does Technology Factor in for US Militarism toward China?

The United States is about militarism. Its economy is largely based on the military-industrial complex. It has hundreds upon hundreds of military bases in lands around the planet. Yet, despite a bloated military budget, the US fails to care for all its citizens, certainly not the millions of homeless, poor, and those unable to afford […]

Neo-Nazi Regiments in the Ukraine Army? It’s Perfectly Ok with U.S. State Department and CIA—and Its Reliable New York Times Echo Chamber—as Long as They Hide Those Nasty Neo-Nazi Insignia

Bellingcat is a Netherlands-based investigative research group that received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout that promotes propaganda denigrating U.S. enemies and defending U.S.-NATO foreign policy. On June 6, one of its researchers, Michael Colborne, provided a tortured defense essentially of the adoption of Nazi insignia by Ukrainian soldiers on […]

Rehearsed Lives and Planned History

Edward Curtin “The technical achievement of advanced industrial society, and the effective manipulation of mental and material productivity have brought about a shift in the locus of mystification. . . . the rational rather than the irrational becomes the most effective vehicle of mystification.” Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man “General, man is very uselful. He can fly and he …

State of Israel and Lyndon B Johnson Deliberately Murdered 34 American Sailors in 1967, Fabricated Massive Cover-Up Still in Effect After 55 Years

Evidence suggests that the Israelis were ordered to attack the ship as part of a false-flag operation aimed at provoking a U.S. invasion of Egypt that was to result in the overthrow of Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Johnson administration then planned to carry out a nuclear first strike with the aim of “clobbering Russia,” and […]

Operation Car Wash and the Controversial FBI Assistance to the Greatest anti-Corruption Operation in Brazil History

Evidence collected by The Intercept revealed that Operation Car Wash, an anti-corruption investigation led by Brazilian Federal Prosecutors and the Federal Police from 2014 to 2021, received support from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The operation had a significant impact on Brazilian politics, including the undermining of the government, which led to the […]

Why There Should be a Treaty Against the Use of Weaponized Drones

Citizen activism to bring about changes in how brutal wars are conducted is extremely difficult, but not impossible. Citizens have successfully pushed through the United Nations General Assembly treaties to abolish nuclear weapons and to ban the use of landmines and cluster munitions.  Of course, countries that want to continue to use these weapons will not […]