United States

America’s future is in the hands of inept cretins while creativity and innovation are needed more than ever

By Helen Buyniski | RT | February 16, 2021 The US’ future looks grim indeed in the face of a ‘Great Reset’ proposed by the same powers that steered it into a deadly economic quagmire. Why are Americans allowing those who broke their world the privilege of ‘fixing’ it? Americans with more power and connections […]

Israel violates international law anew, again bombing Syria… to further indifference of Western media

By Eva K Bartlett | RT | February 16, 2021 Israeli missiles reportedly targeted Syria again on Monday. Usually carried out under the pretense of “targeting Iranian/Iranian-backed militias,” Israel’s strikes violate Syria’s sovereignty and breach international law. Israel’s military chief of staff boasted earlier about hitting over 500 targets in just 2020 alone. Bearing in mind that […]

Email Reveals FBI Chief Comey Approved Trump Surveillance Despite Inability to Verify Russia Claims

By Ilya Tsukanov – Sputnik – 16.02.2021 US officials spent over three years and tens of millions of dollars investigating alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin during the 2016 election. At the heart of it all was the so-called ‘Steele Dossier’, the since-discredited report which made fantastical allegations on the extent of […]

Washington’s Energetic Generals and the Emphasis on Preparation for Nuclear War

By Brian Cloughley | Strategic Culture Foundation | February 16, 2021 Some senior generals and admirals in and around Washington have been very busy recently, and their activities, while aggressive, have not been associated with directing current combat operations. Rather, they have been directed at attempting to influence the Administration of newly-elected President Joe Biden […]

How the Gates Foundation seeded America’s COVID-19 policy catastrophes

By Jordan Schachtel | The Dossier | February 16, 2021 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is finally facing the heat for his botched and criminally negligent coronavirus response policies, yet no one seems to be asking why Cuomo and select governors made the fateful decisions that led to the excess deaths — and the coverup […]