United States

Biden’s brand of democracy isolates the Palestinians

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | March 11, 2021 Israel is reportedly concerned that US President Joe Biden will prioritise human rights over traditional allegiances in the Middle East. With a policy shift that departs from the Trump administration’s belligerence, Biden is attempting to bring Washington in line with the human rights rhetoric favoured within the international […]

Domestic Terrorism Goes Transnational: The war on Dissidents Picks Up Momentum

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | March 11, 2021 The claim is often made that President George W. Bush’s war on terror, which produced legislation that was employed to attack Iraq in 2003, eventually morphed into the worst foreign policy mistake in U.S. history when that conflict destabilized the entire region and led […]

Censorship-happy Twitter suddenly concerned about ‘public conversation’ as Russia cracks down on illegal content

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | March 11, 2021 Twitter’s complaints about Russian regulators slowing down its traffic would be a lot more credible if the platform hadn’t been so eager to turn into a partisan echo chamber and place itself above the law in its own homeland. On Wednesday, Russia began throttling Twitter as […]

Feds Indict Own Informant As Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Case Unravels

By Eric Striker | National Justice | March 11, 2021 Federal prosecutors are charging a key informant in the case against a group of Michigan militia members who the FBI claims were plotting to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer last fall. Stephen J. Robeson, a 58-year-old man from Wisconsin, was indicted on March 3rd by a grand jury […]

Michigan health department hit with lawsuit over refusal to share nursing home data comparable to Cuomo’s cover-up

RT | March 11, 2021 A local reporter is suing Michigan’s health department after it denied repeat requests for its nursing home data amid the Covid-19 outbreak, piling pressure on the government as lawmakers demand a probe into its pandemic response. Journalist Charlie LeDuff launched a Freedom of Information suit against the Michigan Department of Health and […]

Biden’s awkward threat of retaliatory cyber attacks belies US uncertainty and insecurity on all things Russia

By Scott Ritter | RT | March 9, 2021 By leaking plans for “covert” cyber-retaliation against Russia, the Biden administration allows domestic political considerations to trump legitimate national security concerns by painting Russia as the all-purpose bogeyman. In a front-page story, the New York Times disclosed that the Biden administration was planning a range of “clandestine” […]