United States

FDA gives Emergent BioSolutions a consolation prize: it must throw out 60 million vaccine doses but can sell 10 million, which will be labeled as failing GMP standards

By Meryl Nass, MD | June 11, 2021 Now this is a really odd FDA decision. FDA is acknowledging that the 10 million doses it is authorizing is adulterated. But adulterated doses can’t be sold. But EUA products don’t generally get sold, except to the US government. I am scratching my head. I thought all […]

Was January 6th a Dress Rehearsal for Coup d’État in the U.S.?

New Senate report sheds light on failure of intelligence community to “properly analyze, assess and disseminate information” that would have led to an adequate law enforcement response to the Capitol riots. The Army deployed the National Guard three hours after request by chief of Capitol Police. Some officials even claimed rioters were “peaceful” despite extremists’ […]

Putin prepares to wipe the floor with Sleepy Joe Biden [Video]

Dr. Steve Turley hits a grand slam with this report. He talks especially accurately about two main themes: President Putin, Sergey Lavrov, et. al. are probably laughing fit to split at the prospect of dealing with Sleepy Joe. Even President Trump sent his sarcastic wishes, hoping that Mr. Biden can stay awake through their upcoming […]

At G7, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson sign charter committing to defend against “disinformation”

A sign of more censorship to come? By Tom Parker | Reclaim the Net | June 10, 2021 At the 2021 G7 summit, an annual meeting attended by seven wealthy democracies, US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson signed a charter that vows to collectively defend against a series of “new and […]


By Paul Robinson | IRRUSIANALITY | JUNE 11, 2021 Yes, you read the title correctly, “Success is confrontation.” So says one-time US Ambassador to NATO Kurt Volker in an article for the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), one of the more reliably Russophobic think tanks in Washington. “Success is confrontation.” Think about the implications for a […]