United States

Netanyahu shown the door, US pledges allegiance to new Israeli regime

Press TV – June 13, 2021 An Israeli political coalition narrowly wins a vote to oust Benjamin Netanyahu as the regime’s prime minister, with the US rushing to congratulate and pledge to cooperate with the new Israeli coalition. The vote was held at Knesset (the Israeli parliament) on Sunday, Israeli paper The Jerusalem Post reported. […]

Poll shows 79% of Democrats support employers forcing workers to get Covid-19 jabs

RT | June 13, 2021 A new poll shows that Democrats and Republicans are just about as divided on an employee’s right to choose whether to get vaccinated against Covid-19 as they are on a woman’s right to choose whether to abort her unborn child. Nearly 80% of Democrats agreed that employers should be able […]

The Co-Conspirators have received incredible rewards for their treachery. Let’s start with Rick Bright

By Meryl Nass, MD | June 12, 2021 Rick Bright Immediately after Rick Bright was transferred out of his position as head of BARDA and sent to the NIH, he started making a huge fuss. The April 22, 2020 NYT discribed his statements: “While I am prepared to look at all options and to think ‘outside […]

Jessica Ashooh: The Taming of Reddit and the National Security State Plant Tabbed to Do It

How and why did a hawkish young mandarin hothoused at elite universities and in the halls of state power end up an executive at an anarchic messageboard site with an anti-establishment reputation? Photo | Graphic by Antonio Cabrera By Alan Macleod | MintPress News | June 11, 2021 Reddit is one of the world’s most […]

Racist, Misogynist, Militaristic, Imperialistic, Homophobic, White Christian Supremacy

Canadians like to think of ourselves as less racist, less right wing and especially less violent than Americans. But two recent events coming after a previous series of mass murders has shaken this belief. Four members of a Muslim family were murdered in a hate crime while out for a stroll last Sunday in London, […]

Ahead of crucial Putin-Biden summit, Washington raises stakes by announcing $150 million in additional military aid for Ukraine

RT | June 12, 2021 The Pentagon has announced a new $150 million military aid package for Ukraine, potentially raising tensions with Moscow just days before President Joe Biden’s summit meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Geneva. The latest gift from Washington aims to boost the “lethality, command and control, and situational awareness” of Kiev’s […]

Biden DOJ’s proposal to stop surveilling members of the press appears to only apply to traditional media

By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net | June 12, 2021 Despite the fact that US [proclaimed] President Biden publicly denounced the practice carried out by his predecessor’s administration to obtain information about journalistic sources through court orders as “simply wrong” – his own Department of Justice (DoJ) continued with the same policy, reports have […]

Vaccine Euphoria

Todd Hayen PhD What is all the excitement about? People everywhere celebrating a vax jab with social media pics of their vaccine card, stickers that proudly state “I Got Vaccinated!!” and thumbs up congratulations all around as if the recipients just had a baby or won the lottery. I’m surprised people aren’t giving out cigars …

A Sinister Agenda Behind California Water Crisis?

By F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook – 10.06.2021 In recent months a crisis situation in the USA food supply has been growing and is about to assume alarming dimensions that could become catastrophic. Atop the existing corona pandemic lockdowns and unemployment, a looming agriculture crisis as well could tip inflation measures to cause […]