United States

Congress Moves to Censure Both Ilhan Omar and Marjorie Taylor Greene for Accidentally Offending Jews

By Eric Striker • National Justice • June 16, 2021 Members of Congress have put forth resolutions to censure Reps. Ilhan Omar and Marjorie Taylor Greene. On the surface, the hijab-wearing Muslim progressive from Minnesota and the gun-toting Southern Evangelical Republican could not be more different. But the two women — portrayed in the press […]

The EEOC Did NOT Say Federal Law Permits Requiring a COVID-19 Vaccine

Informed Consent Action Network | June 16, 2021 In the article, “Can employers require workers to get the COVID vaccine?”, Bailey Aldridge claims that, given the updated rules of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), “your employer can require you to get a COVID vaccine.”   Aldridge even claims that “The EEOC says there are no […]

Tupac Shakur Would Have Turned 50 Today–If He Hadn’t Threatened Deal Between Drug Traffickers and U.S. Banks Making Billions Laundering CIA Drug Money

On June 16, 2021, the late rap icon Tupac Shakur would have turned 50 had he survived a still unsolved drive-by shooting in Las Vegas 25 years ago. Few knew that behind his “gangsta rap” façade, Tupac was an activist leader who worked to counter CIA drug trafficking through street gangs.

US state-run Voice of America, RFE/RL ‘defiantly refusing’ to follow Russian foreign agent law

Press TV – June 15, 2021 The Russian government’s media regulator says US state-run outfits Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [RFE/RL] are “defiantly refusing” to comply with Russian legislation on the work of foreign agents within the country. Media regulator Roskomnadzor said Russian law describes restrictions and regulations “in detail” in order […]

Friedman’s Last Gasp

By Jonathan Cook – New Left Review – June 10, 2021 Thomas Friedman’s recent column in the New York Times reflecting on Israel’s 11-day destruction of Gaza is a showcase for the delusions of liberal Zionism: a constellation of thought that has never looked so threadbare. It seems that every liberal newspaper needs a Thomas Friedman – the UK’s Guardian has Jonathan […]

Why Democracies in G7 and NATO Should Reject U.S. Leadership

Photo credit: BPM Media – Protest at G7 summit in Cornwall UK The world has been treated to successive spectacles of national leaders gathering at a G7 Summit in Cornwall and a NATO Summit in Brussels. The U.S. corporate media have portrayed these summits as chances for President Biden to rally the leaders of the […]
The post Why Democracies in G7 and NATO Should Reject U.S. Leadership first appeared on Dissident Voice.

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats

RT | June 14, 2021 Some followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory might decide to engage in real-world violence against the ruling Democrats, FBI and Homeland Security analysts wrote in a memo provided to Congress that has now been made public. “We assess that some DVE [domestic violent extremist] adherents of QAnon likely will begin […]

The Enduring False Narrative About the PULSE Massacre Shows the Power of Media Propaganda

Democrat Hillary Clinton visits the site of Pulse nightclub in Orlando, July 22, 2016. (Photo by Brooks Kraft/Getty Images) By Glenn Greenwald | June 14, 2021 On the fifth anniversary of the PULSE nightclub massacre in Orlando, numerous senators, politicians and activist groups commemorated that tragic event by propagating an absolute falsehood: namely, that the shooter, […]

American unilateralism & intervention is driving global instability, not Russian actions: Putin

RT | June 14, 2021 While Washington constantly talks of the need for international harmony, it has rarely played a positive role in it in recent years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, stressing that stability is vital in world politics. Asked during an interview with NBC’s Keir Simmons, broadcast on Monday, whether he would support a […]

A Covid Timeline, 1943-2021

BY GODFREE ROBERTS • UNZ REVIEW • JUNE 14, 2021 Introduction In September 1943, the US Army created “Operation Capricious,” a secret biowarfare program described as purely defensive against insect pests enemy nations might use against America by bombing America with germ-infected insects. Under the direction of George W. Merck, president of Merck & Co. The program […]