United States

Why Is There A Biden-Putin Summit And What Is It Supposed To Achieve?

On June 16 the Presidents of Russia and the United States will hold talks: Biden ends the trip Wednesday with summit in Geneva with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The White House announced Saturday that the leaders will not hold a joint news conference after meeting, removing the opportunity for comparisons to the availability that followed Trump and Putin’s 2018 Helsinki summit in which […]

Georgia Secretary of State Finally Admits 2020 Election Foul Play in Atlanta

Sputnik – 19.06.2021 The US state of Georgia’s top electoral official has acknowledged voting irregularities in the state capital — seven months after the presidential election. Revelations this week have prompted Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to order a new audit of tens of thousands of ballots collected from drop-boxes in Fulton County — which covers […]

Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons | June 16, 2021 Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID. This contrasts with the claim by the American Medical Association that 96 percent of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated. This was based on […]

US approves replenishment of Israel’s Iron Dome after Gaza defeat

Press TV – June 19, 2021 The United States has vowed to reinforce Israel’s so-called Iron Dome after Tel Aviv suffered a defeat in its 11-day war on the Gaza Strip, with the regime’s much-publicized missile system failing in the face of a massive rocket fire by Palestinian resistance movements. Earlier this month, Israeli minister […]

Florida gov. DeSantis declares victory as federal judge slaps down CDC ‘overreach’ on Covid-19 cruise ship rules

RT | June 19, 2021 Cruise ships may soon operate out of Florida once again, as Governor Ron DeSantis notched a court victory against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in an epic injunction order blasting the “authoritarian” agency. US District Judge Steven Douglas Merryday on Friday granted Florida’s request to block the CDC […]

How Ron Paul Stopped the US Government from Imposing a National Vaccine Passport

By Adam Dick | Ron Paul Institute | June 18, 2021 Who do Americans have to thank for the United States government not subjecting them to a national vaccine passport like those being imposed by national governments in Europe? Megan Redshaw wrote in a Wednesday article at Children’s Health Defense that the credit goes to Ron Paul […]

Biden agreed to Turkey defending Kabul airport, says US official

MEMO | June 18, 2021 US President Joe Biden and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have agreed on Turkey’s offer to take a leading role in the defence of Afghanistan’s Kabul Airport, the US National Security Advisor has revealed. Speaking to reporters yesterday, Jake Sullivan said that the two leaders discussed the situation in Afghanistan during their meeting on […]

Hypocrisy 101

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | June 18, 2021 When President Biden predictably began lecturing Russian President Vladimir Putin about human-rights abuses in Russia, Biden was chagrined when Putin turned the tables on him by asking about human-rights abuses at the hands of the U.S. government. I’ve often wondered why foreign dictators don’t do […]