United States

American pushback against Woke liberals on the increase [Video]

Conservatives are different than Liberals. They are not just different in ideological viewpoints but they are fundamentally psychologically different in makeup. Liberals are reactionary activists, shouters, demanding to be heard, quick to anger or outrage, and quick to act to produce radical “change” which is itself really not much change at all, but just noise […]

“SDF” justifies the events of “Al-Busira” by claiming the arrest of “ISIS” militants!

The “SDF” returned to the usual use of ISIS, as a justification for its arbitrary arrests, which it carried out in the city of “Al-Baseera” in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, claiming that it arrested 17 militants of the organization and its collaborators, during the raids that took place in the city. SDF claimed […]

Yemenis slam US seizure of resistance website domains

By Abdullatif Al-washali | Press TV | June 24, 2021 Sana’a – The US Justice Department committed a new flagrant violation of the freedom of the press and blocked several regional outlets’ websites including the Yemeni channel al-Masirah and Iran’s Press TV claiming they are linked to what it calls Iranian disinformation efforts. Yemenis condemned […]

What is Biden’s “Build Back Better World” (B3W)?

By Brian Berletic – New Eastern Outlook – 22.06.2021 Announced at the archaic “Group of 7” summit (G7) in mid-June – the “Build Back Better World” (B3W) initiative is billed by Western governments and the Western corporate media as a plan that “could rival” China’s One Belt, One Road initiative (OBOR). Yet even its announcement […]

New evidence reveals John McCain and other Vietnam War POWs may have lied about being tortured

By Paul Benedikt Glatz, Jeremy Kuzmarov and Steve Brown | Covert Action Magazine | June 21, 2021 Collusion by the White House, the Pentagon, and the mainstream media resulted in disparagement, denial, and suppression of eyewitness testimony confirming that most POWs were actually well-treated by their North Vietnamese captors (in contrast to the brutal torture […]

153 Houston Methodist hospital network employees fired or quit after refusing coronavirus vaccination

RT | June 23, 2021 More than a hundred people have lost their job at a Texas hospital after refusing to get a coronavirus vaccine and unsuccessfully challenging the mandate in court. Houston Methodist spokesperson Gale Smith told the media that 153 workers had their employment terminated or resigned on Tuesday. They were all among […]

How FDR Was Manipulated and Betrayed by His Own Naval Intelligence Chief in the Fateful Last Months of WWII

Unknown for decades, declassified documents show that FDR’s mail was deliberately diverted and falsified to prevent a historic meeting with Mao Zedong that might have shortened the war, changed history, and reshaped the modern world. Historians cite the 1972 meeting between Mao Zedong and Richard Nixon as the original spark for U.S.-China Globalization in which […]

Russian forces block US military patrol in northeast Syria

Press TV – June 22, 2021 Russian forces have blocked an American military convoy, comprising four armored vehicles, in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah province. Russia’s RT television network reported on Monday that Russian personnel had stopped the US military patrol along the M4 highway, some 10 kilometers west of the town of Tall Tamr. Informed sources […]