United States

Valaam superior orders monks to be vaccinated – or be kicked out penniless [Video]

OrthoChristian.com, the English-language side of the site Pravoslavie.ru, reported that Igumen Pankraty, the Abbot of the great Valaam Monastery, ordered his monks to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or be kicked out of the monastery with zero means of support. The translation in English reads as follows: All brothers prepare for a full vaccination. The first […]

Tucker Carlson’s allegation that the Biden administration is spying on him should worry everyone in the media

By Micah Curtis | RT | June 29, 2021 The Fox News host alleges the National Security Agency is spying on him and his show. If true, this violation of American freedoms should concern us all. So, how “wrong” does an opinion have to be to attract the NSA’s attention? I would like to preface […]

US officials warn against all travel to Russia, citing ‘terrorism’ concerns & inability to provide consular support

RT | June 29, 2021 The US State Department has told its citizens not to travel to Russia under any circumstances, with Washington suggesting that Americans could be kidnapped, arrested, tortured and even supposedly jailed on trumped-up charges. A new travel advisory, issued on Monday by diplomats, gives Russia the same danger categorization as countries […]

Consent? What’s that? The Massachusetts Department of Public Health is spying on you.

Source: MassPrivateI By Richard Hugus | June 27, 2021 Without any kind of public notice, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has gotten together with “Don’t Be Evil” Google to install spyware on smartphones of visitors to and residents of Massachusetts without the knowledge or consent of those visitors or residents. This is being done […]

Biden administration to “encourage” private companies to use vaccine passports

By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net | June 28, 2021 Civil liberties could be crushed by the private sector as US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has revealed that the Biden administration is openly nudging private companies towards introducing so-called Covid passports for their employees – seemingly as the closest thing, policy-wise, to having to […]

Scientific American magazine removes article detailing Israeli crimes against Palestinians

Press TV – June 28, 2021 A US publication has removed an op-ed detailing Israeli crimes against the people of Palestine and calling for solidarity with them. Scientific American, a popular science magazine in the US, reportedly has done this act under pressure from the Zionist lobby, which is the pro-Israel lobby in the United […]

Iraq PM strongly condemns US raids on PMU forces as ‘flagrant violation’ of country’s sovereignty

Press TV – June 28, 2021 Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi has strongly condemned as a “flagrant violation” of the Iraqi sovereignty an overnight airstrike by US warplanes against the positions of the anti-terror Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Sha’abi, in which several resistance fighters were killed. “We condemn the US air […]