United States

Who Ordered the Killing of Malcolm X?

New Evidence May Implicate the New York Police Dept., the District Attorney, the FBI, and Even (Unthinkably) … On Sunday February 21, 1965, at 3:00 p.m., Malcolm X was gunned down at the Audubon Ballroom on Broadway and 166th Street in Manhattan while delivering a speech to an audience of about 400...
The post Who Ordered the Killing of Malcolm X? appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.

A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying

As we have pointed out since Media Lens began in 2001, a fundamental feature of corporate media is propaganda by omission. Over the past week, a stunning example has highlighted this core property once again. A major witness in the US case against Julian Assange has just admitted fabricat­ing key accusati­ons in the indictment against […]

Inside Biden’s new “domestic terrorism” strategy

By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | July 1, 2021 Following the (completely contrived) Capitol Hill “riot” on January 6th, Joe Biden made it clear – or rather, the people that control Joe Biden made it clear – “domestic terrorism” was going to be a defining issue of his presidency. Indeed, in an act of startling prescience, the […]

America Leader of the Free World? How to Forget U.S. interference in Foreign Elections

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | July 1, 2021 After only five months in office, [proclaimed] President Joe Biden has already become notorious for his verbal gaffes and mis-spokes, so much so that an admittedly Republican-partisan physician has suggested that he be tested to determine his cognitive abilities. That said, however, there is […]

NYTimes Op-Ed Denounces Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden on 50th Anniversary of Publishing the Pentagon Papers

This past June 13th, The New York Times celebrated the 50th anniversary of its publishing the Pentagon Papers. In a special section, “Uncovering the Secret History of the Vietnam War,” it told how a team of 50 reporters, researchers and editors worked on the story for nearly four months, holed up in a “whole group […]

Spreading ‘human rights’ at the tip of a bayonet: the LGBT agenda has now become a tool in Western foreign policy

By Glenn Diesen | RT | July 1, 2021 When it comes to issues of ‘human rights’ and individual liberties, every country in the world takes a different stance. Culture, religion, and nationality all play their roles, but now it’s clear the West wants to change this. On Tuesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken […]

US Judge tosses frivolous lawsuit by Sulome Anderson seeking to destroy The Grayzone

Press TV – June 30, 2021 The District of Columbia Superior Court has rejected a lawsuit filed by writer Sulome Anderson seeking to destroy The Grayzone, a news website, over one of its articles which showed Anderson published blatant misinformation falsely alleging Iranian attacks on Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. On May 9, 2018, Anderson tweeted two […]

Serbia Leads in Cancer Deaths in Europe After NATO Strikes, Oncology Institute Director Says

Sputnik – 29.06.2021 BELGRADE – The use of depleted uranium bombs by NATO in 1999 and the destruction of environmentally hazardous facilities during air strikes led to Serbia currently leading in cancer deaths across Europe, Danica Grujicic, director of the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia (IORS), told Sputnik. “There are more and more […]

US News media now the LEAST TRUSTED in the world – [Video]

The American news media is now officially polled as the least trustworthy on the entire planet. A Reuters Institute / University of Oxford survey polled 92,000 news consumers in 46 markets around the world, including India, Indonesia, Russia, and many other nations. The Executive Summary Report is damning, and is best expressed concisely in this graph: […]