United States

A Country That Has Lost Its Way: U.S. Government and Corporations Combine to Strip Citizens of Their Rights

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | July 8, 2021 The American people have increasingly become aware that government surveillance and corporate censorship have combined to keep people ignorant and controlled. What is taking place has generated some dark humor. A friend of mine, also a former CIA officer, wrote to me recently and […]

Aid to Syria should go through the recognized government NOT Al Qaeda

Syria Solidarity Movement | July 6, 2021 The United Nations Charter mandates “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”. Turkey and the USA are in violation of this commitment as they occupy sections of northern and eastern Syria. In […]

Global Vaccine Passports Have Arrived Courtesy of Google, EU

Image Credits: Google Privacy To Go | July 8, 2021 On June 30th, 2021, the Google Developers blog announced the launch of vaccine passports in Android through its Passes API. Less than 24 hours later, the European Union, long mired in a sea of national standards for digital jab records, rolled out its EU-wide vaccine passport. Two completely different […]

Carlos Lazo: The Cuban American Leading the Charge to Transform US-Cuba Policy

While right-wing Cubans in Miami call him “comunista,” Carlos Lazo has no time for ideology. He is neither for or against the Cuban government; he is for the Cuban people, the Cuban families. And he is disgusted by the cruelty of the U.S. blockade
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Lee Camp: America’s Impressive History of Bioweapons Attacks Against Its Own People

Forget China-bashing conspiracy theories, let's look at the fogging of SF, the microbial attack on the NYC subway and other unpleasantries perpetrated by the CIA and US military in our not-so-distant past
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The Syria Deception: The Public Has Been Hoodwinked Yet Again into Supporting a Criminal War of Aggression—and One That Has Been Effectively Lost

United States warmakers have become so skilled at propaganda that not only can they wage a war of aggression without arousing protest; they can also compel liberals to denounce peace activists using language reminiscent of the McCarthy era. Take the case of Syria. The people and groups one would normally count on to oppose wars […]

The People vs. Mahmoud Abbas: Are the Palestinian Authority’s Days Numbered?

“The Palestinian Authority’s days are numbered”. This assertion has been oft repeated recently, especially after the torture to death on June 24 of a popular Palestinian activist, Nizar Banat, 42, at the hands of PA security goons in Hebron (Al-Khalil). The killing – or ‘assassination’ as some Palestinian rights groups describe it – of Banat, however, […]

FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns

Jon Rappoport Even a robot programmed to “follow the science” would throw up his hands in despair while reading the latest FDA COVID pronouncement. After untold numbers of people have been given antibody tests to determine their COVID status, the FDA now states: Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing …

Biden Betrays Another Campaign Pledge—Admits that U.S. Will Continue to Bomb Afghanistan

After 20 Years, America’s “Longest War” Is Not Really Ending On July 2nd, fleeing questions from reporters about U.S. plans in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden sought refuge behind the July 4th Independence Day holiday. Yet he obliquely acknowledged that the U.S. will use some level of “over-the-horizon” air attacks to prevent the Taliban from taking […]

US neocons Bolton & PNAC lay down weapons of war for protest signs with their new ‘Turkish Democracy Project’

By Helen Buyniski | RT | July 5, 2021 The aging neocons who have been practicing regime change ops in the Middle East for decades are now launching a project targeting Turkey – perhaps in honor of the deceased Don Rumsfeld. Erdogan’s Turkey has long been something of a thorn in Washington’s paw, given its […]