United States

Con Man Bernie Sanders’ Support for Health Destroying Flu/Covid Jabs

By Stephen Lendman | July 11, 2021 Once a con man, always one — how Sanders operated throughout his public life as Burlington, VT mayor, congressman and senator. Time and again saying one thing, then going another way, he nearly always supports destructive policies pursued by undemocratic Dems. Notably he backs public health destroying flu/covid […]

How The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Has Eugenicist Parallels Today

By John O’Sullivan | Principia Scientific | July 8, 2021 “Only the vaccinated died” That is the lesson from the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic of 1918 which killed more people than died from bombs and bullets throughout the entire First World War (1914-18). Many lies and half truths have been spun about the deadly pandemic of […]

John McAfee’s Wife Claims Spanish Authorities Are Overseeing a “Cover Up” of His Death

“They have something to hide.” By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | July 8, 2021 John McAfee’s wife claims that Spanish authorities are engaged in a “cover-up” of the software tycoon’s death by withholding information. McAfee was found dead in his Barcelona jail cell last month after a Spanish court ruled that he would […]

Facebook’s desire for you to report your friends is the latest alarming step in its bid to take over the world

By Ramsha Afridi | RT | July 9, 2021 A test of a new feature that asks users to report friends they suspect may be becoming an extremist has been greeted with horror from Facebook users. It’s a bizarre precedent that we should all be concerned about. Over the past few days, some Facebook users […]

Trump was spied on, so why not Tucker? There is no room for dissent in Our Democracy

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | July 8, 2021 Tucker Carlson is far more dangerous to the US media-political establishment than President Donald Trump was, and they pulled out all the stops to get rid of him. Now they’re going after the Fox News host using the same methods. Wednesday’s revelation – in the Washington […]

“Stop Interfering”: Ethiopia’s Opportunity After the Election

Despite ongoing violence in the northern region of Tigray, persistent attempts to de-rail the process and cries of catastrophe by western powers (most notably the US) and mainstream media, on the 21 June Ethiopia conducted its first ever democratic elections. The mechanics of the election were not perfect, but crucially there were no reports of […]

Washington is Progressively Losing the “Match” it is Playing with Tehran

By Valery Kulikov – New Eastern Outlook – 06.07.2021 For decades now, under Israeli pressure Washington has been trying to play a “power game” with Tehran to bleed it dry, and prevent it from gaining the upper hand in its regional competition with Tel Aviv. Moreover, in this patently self-defeating confrontation, the United States is […]