United States

Was Lockdown Illegal?

By Noah Carl • The Daily Sceptic • July 27, 2021 There has been much debate among lawyers as to whether the various “non-pharmaceutical interventions” (i.e., lockdown measures) that have been imposed over the past year and a half are actually legal. In April of 2020, the barrister Francis Hoar wrote an article laying out the case for the illegality of […]

Who Watches The Watchmen? – Fauci’s “Noble Lie” Exposed

By Charles Rixey, MA, MBA | Prometheus Shrugged | July 22, 2021 More than 100K pages of FOIA documents referenced here have been condensed into 173 pages of the most relevant selections in my appendix Prometheus Shrugged. It was here, last February, that the role of Dr. Fauci in ongoing academic censorship of COVID’s origin was first […]

Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | July 27, 2021 It is time to recalibrate the government. For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry. By “government,” I’m […]

How a Psychic Healer Blog Convinced the Government to Fund “Long Covid” Research

By Phillip W. Magness | AIER | July 27, 2021 The National Institutes for Health (NIH) is exceptionally keen on the study of “Long Covid.” The federal agency recently allocated over $1 billion in funding for this purpose, and NIH Director Francis Collins has made the claimed ailment a recurring subject of his press commentary over […]

UK Media Report on ‘Iranian Secret Cyber Files’ Casts More Doubt Than Confidence

By Daria Bedenko – Sputnik – 27.07.2021 The authenticity of the alleged “Iranian secret cyber files” cited by Sky News, on how cyber attacks could be used against civilian infrastructure objects, is debatable, experts said, shortly after the UK media outlet published so-called ‘classified documents’ said to have been acquired from Iranian intelligence. According to […]

Biden Gives “Five Eyes” What It Always Wanted: Access To Everyone’s Social Media

MassPrivateI | July 27, 2021 For years, Americans have largely ignored corporate social media surveillance. But all of that is about to change, thanks to President Biden. No one has taken the White House’s plan to turn Big Tech into a quasi-Five Eyes censorship program seriously despite repeated warnings from journalists and news websites. Journalist Caitlin Johnstone warned, the […]