United States

Bill to give Israel billions of dollars passes House, now on to Senate

House appropriations chair Barbara Lee (D-CA) speaks before the House of Representatives on June 28, 2021. Lee said she was “proud” of H.R.4373, which she sponsored, and noted that it included funding for our “ally” Israel. AIPAC thanked her for working “to include key pro-Israel provisions in the bill.” By Alison Weir | Israel-Palestine News […]

Why would you institute get tough policies and mandates exactly when the data show the vaccines are very leaky?

By Meryl Nass, MD | August 1, 2021 If your vaccine doesn’t necessarily protect you or me very well, you can’t achieve herd immunity and there is no societal justification to mandate the shot, or squeeze the unvaccinated. Supposedly, CDC just figured this out. More to the point, the media just started reporting on it, […]

Apple removes dating app for the unvaxxed Unjected as its creators cry ‘CENSORSHIP!’

RT | August 1, 2021 Apple has removed the dating app Unjected, marketed as a “safe space” for unvaccinated Americans, from its store, saying it “inappropriately refers to the Covid-19 pandemic.” The app’s developers say this amounts to censorship. Unjected describes itself as a “platform for like-minded humans that support medical autonomy.” The dating app has been […]

US nuclear tests killed far more civilians than we knew

By Tim Fernholz | Quartz | December 21, 2017 When the US entered the nuclear age, it did so recklessly. New research suggests that the hidden cost of developing nuclear weapons were far larger than previous estimates, with radioactive fallout responsible for 340,000 to 690,000 American deaths from 1951 to 1973. The study, performed by University of Arizona […]

2020 Was Another Quiet Tornado Season

By Paul Homewood | Not A Lot Of People Know That | August 1, 2021 https://www.spc.noaa.gov/wcm/2020/ptorngraph-big.png According to NOAA’s preliminary data, the number of tornadoes in the US last year was below average. The full, finalised data has now been released, and it shows another very quiet year for the stronger tornadoes, EF-3s and greater: […]

Biden’s allegation of ‘Russian interference!’ while silent on Big Tech’s meddling is astounding cognitive dissonance

By Laura Loomer | RT | July 31, 2021 As the 2022 midterm election season approaches, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are already repeating their 2016 claims of “Russian interference,” which they falsely spewed throughout the entire first term of Donald Trump. This week, Joe Biden accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of trying to […]