United States

The Science of “Hope” – Biden Regime Promotes New Plan For Multiple Booster Shots Every Six Months in Perpetuity

THE LAST REFUGE | August 25, 2021 The Biden administration is on the precipice of announcing mandatory six month booster shots for people who have already had the vaccine. The reason? Data from Israel is showing that vaccinated populations are, for yet unknown reasons, more susceptible to even worse infections from the Delta variant. It […]


August 26, 2021 AWESOME interview conducted by Vaccine Choice Canada, August 21. Dr. David Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians must demand authorities investigate – potentially treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. To keep current with Dr. Martin’s work visit -Activate Humanity: https://www.activatehumanity.com/ Butterfly of the Week Sources: https://www.activatehumanity.com/posts/butterfly-sources Dr. David E.

Abandoned and Alone: Lamenting the US-Australian Alliance

Listening to Australian pundits talk about the relationship of their country with the US – at least from a strategic perspective – can be a trying exercise.  It is filled with angst, Freudian fears of abandonment, the strident megalomania of Australian self-importance.  Critics of this complex are shouted down as Sinophiles or in the pay […]

What is Behind Algeria’s Severance of Diplomatic Ties with Morocco?

By Vladimir Odintsov – New Eastern Outlook – 29.08.2021 “Algeria has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Morocco as of August 24,” Algerian Foreign Minister Ramdan Lamamra told a news conference, accusing the neighboring kingdom of “hostile actions.” Although the termination of diplomatic relations has already taken effect, consulates in each country will […]

Twitter bans Alex Berenson over COVID tweets

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | August 29, 2021 Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson has been permanently banned from Twitter for violating its COVID-19 “misinformation policies.” The author has become well-known as a critic of coronavirus quarantines and mandates. A Twitter spokesperson confirmed that the commentator’s account was blocked on Saturday […]

Some are horrified the Taliban seized biometric devices. The real scandal is the extent of US’ data collection.

US soldier scans an Afghan resident with an Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) during a mission © AFP / TAUSEEF MUSTAFA By Kit Klarenberg | RT | August 28, 2021 A huge amount of opprobrium was heaped on the Americans for allowing this sensitive data to fall ‘into the wrong hands’. However, surely a better […]

Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Hurting Its Profits. It’s Funding a Pro-War Think Tank.

BY SARAH LAZARE | IN THESE TIMES | AUGUST 25, 2021 On August 12, the military contractor CACI International Inc. told its investors that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is hurting its profits. The same contractor is also funding a think tank that is concurrently arguing against the withdrawal. This case is worth examining both because […]