United States

Another Look at 9/11: Ask Not ‘What Happened?’ but ‘Who Did It?’

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | September 16, 2021 The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 last Saturday has raised many of the usual issues about what actually happened on that day. Were hijacked airliners actually crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon or was the damage in New […]

Local TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID, Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead

Source. By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | September 15, 2021 The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected. WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit asked their viewers on their Facebook Page last Friday to direct message them […]

Nuclear White Elephants: Australia’s New Submarine Deal

It does not get any messier or more chaotic than this.  Since 2009, when Australia’s Future Submarine Program (FSP) known as Project SEA 1000, began to take shape, strategists and policy makers have been keen to pursue the next big White Elephant of defence spending.  And few areas of an already wasteful area of public […]
The post Nuclear White Elephants: Australia’s New Submarine Deal first appeared on Dissident Voice.

New Poll Finds That 50% of Americans Support Cutting Aid to Israel

By Eric Striker | National Justice | September 15, 2021  Aid to Israel is now a highly polarizing issue, a poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the pro-Zionist Israel Democracy Institute have found. The survey taken last month found that the US government’s deferential treatment of Israel is completely out of line and […]

Shocking report exposes how US defense contractors have wasted trillions through fraud and corruption

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | September 15, 2021 The newly released ‘Profits of War’ report from Brown University has revealed in staggering detail the full extent of the corruption unleashed by Washington’s profligate defense spending during the 20-year War on Terror. It notes that since the start of the intervention in Afghanistan in October […]

An Evil Rationalization on Afghanistan

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | September 15, 2021 One of the arguments that interventionists, including many U.S. military veterans, use to rationalize the U.S. defeat in Afghanistan is that U.S. forces were fighting to bring “freedom, democracy, and women’s rights” to the country. In fact, the Pentagon even coined the term “Operation Enduring […]

AMA issues mix of mindless propaganda & “Trust the SCIENCE” jargon to teach doctors to lie about Covid jabs

By Meryl Nass, MD | September 14, 2021 I am looking over the “AMA Covid -19 Guide. Winter 2021. It is not a guide. It only deals with Covid vaccines, not treatment. It’s raison d’etre is: “To overcome vaccine hesitancy and ensure widespread vaccine acceptance among all demographic groups, physicians and the broader public health […]

Hospital Beds Are Filling Up — With Children. But It’s Not What You Think

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | September 13, 2021 Children with nowhere else to go because of the nature of their illness occupy a third of acute-care hospital beds in England. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, these children are suffering from mental health and neurological problems. Some have violent or self-harming behavior; others have […]