United States

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff demands Facebook censor “disinformation”

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | September 26, 2021 Salesforce CEO, and Time Magazine owner, Marc Benioff has criticized Facebook allowing the spread of “disinformation” on its platforms. In an interview on CNN, Benioff said: “This digital revolution really kind of has the world in its grip. And in that grip, you can see […]

Mainstream Media’s Massive Government Payoff

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | September 26, 2021 There’s one piece of the U.S. federal government’s $3.5 trillion spending plan you’re not hearing about on mainstream news, and one reason for that may be because it’s the media themselves who are the beneficiaries. Dubbed the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, the legislation, if passed, could mean […]

Washington’s Assembly Line for Retraining Soldiers in Syria Isn’t Stopping

By Valery Kulikov – New Eastern Outlook – 25.09.2021 According to the Syrian news agency SANA, on September 19, US Air Force helicopters transported two new groups of militants to their base in Al-Shaddadah in Al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria, for retraining. There were about 60 people in total who had previously fought in the ranks […]

PG&E Charged With Deaths Of 4 In 2020 Wildfire Started By Its Equipment

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | September 24, 2021 Shares of the perennially-troubled PG&E – America’s largest utility whose aging equipment has helped start a rash of deadly wildfires across California – tumbled Friday after the DA in Shasta County hit the company (which just emerged this spring from its second bankruptcy filing in […]

YouTube backtracks on censorship of Illinois school board meeting over COVID comments

Public meetings on YouTube are still struggling By Dan Frieth | Reclaim The Net | September 24, 2021 YouTube deleted videos of an Illinois school board meeting, allegedly over the violation of its strict COVID-19 rules. The Springfield District Board said YouTube removed videos of a June 21 meeting over the violation of “medical misinformation […]

More Than 726,000 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS as CDC, FDA Overrule Advisory Committees’ Recommendations on Third Pfizer Shot

By Megan Redshaw | The Defender | September 24, 2021 Data released Sept. 17 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 17, 2021, a total of 726,965 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data included a total […]

Shame on NDP for supporting imperialism in Haiti

Which is the Canadian political party most likely to stand up to the world’s rich and powerful? Which is willing to help the poorest of the poor gain a semblance of dignity and respect? Which can proudly proclaim, we stand for what is right, not just what is easy and expedient? Unfortunately, the answer is […]
The post Shame on NDP for supporting imperialism in Haiti first appeared on Dissident Voice.