United States

Chinese Uyghur responsible for suicide bombing; Taliban and Turkey accuse CIA of creating ISIS-K

By Eric Striker | National Justice | October 14, 2021 Afghanistan’s ISIS-K has identified the suicide bomber behind last weeks gruesome suicide attack on a Shiite mosque, “Muhammad al-Uyghuri,” a member of China’s Uyghur population that the United States has in recent years claimed is being oppressed by Beijing. The bombing in Afghanistan’s Kunduz province killed up […]

Southwest Airlines pilots and staff are flying in the face of corporate and government vaccine mandates

By R. M. Huffman | RT | October 12, 2021 Southwest Airlines’ top brass can deny the massive delays they’ve been experiencing have anything to do with their insistence staff take Covid shots or lose their job till they are blue in the face… but no one is buying it. Southwest is experiencing turbulence. Over […]

Sen. Rand Paul: ‘We’ve Got Fauci Spreading Mistruths Across the Country’

The Defender | October 13, 2021 Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Monday took to the podium on Capitol Hill to criticize the media and Dr. Anthony Fauci for spreading mistruths about COVID, and for their role in causing unnecessary deaths by politicizing the science around COVID vaccines and treatments. “We’ve got Dr. Fauci spreading mistruths across the country, saying […]

Abandoning Yemen?

Monday, October 11, marked the official closure of the U.N. Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen (also known as the Group of Experts or GEE). For nearly four years, this investigative group examined alleged human rights abuses suffered by Yemenis whose basic rights to food, shelter, safety, health care and education were horribly violated, all […]
The post Abandoning Yemen? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Back at Ground-Truthing Again and Again and Again

Time and time again, the left sites just keep pushing all those international stories, all those stories tied to this or that political party head, and while China is important, and while we know the dirty deeds of Blinken to Pompeo, all the way back, we still miss out on the common people, us, the […]
The post Back at Ground-Truthing Again and Again and Again first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why the Mainstream Media Remains Silent on the JFK Records Deadline

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | October 13, 2021 With the October 26 deadline only two weeks from now on releasing the 60-year secret records of the CIA relating to the Kennedy assassination, the silence from the mainstream press is deafening. The great mainstream defenders of transparency and openness in government, at least when […]

Southwest CEO: The President Forced Vaccine Mandates on Them

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | October 13, 2021 In an interview with CNBC, Southwest Airlines’ CEO Gary Kelly didn’t pull any punches when pinning the blame on his company’s hard-handed vaccine mandates — and laid it squarely on the head of President Joe Biden. “I’ve never been in favor of corporations imposing that kind of […]

We need a Covid champion to defy Big Pharma like the thalidomide heroine

By Mary McGreechin | TCW Defending Freedom | October 13, 2021 IN 1960, Frances Oldham Kelsey prevented thousands of American babies from facing a life of severe disability. A medical officer with the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), Kelsey refused to buckle under relentless pressure from the pharmaceutical company Merrell to approve the drug thalidomide for use as […]