United States

Yahoo! News Informs the Stupid Peasants Why the US Needs to Go to War to Protect Taiwan

By Andrew Anglin | The Daily Stormer | October 14, 2021 Yahoo! News had this headline at the top on Thursday morning. When you click the article, you get this different headline: The actual appropriate headline for this article would be “A Baby’s First Guide to Why the US Must Initiate a World War in Order […]

US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed

RT | October 15, 2021 The deputy secretary at the US Treasury has put Americans on notice that the only way to end the plague of empty shelves around the country is for every resident to be vaccinated. The frank warning came off as a threat to many. Wally Adeyemo, the Biden administration’s second-highest official […]

Russia: Syria held back fire as Israel used civilian aircraft as cover in Homs raid

Press TV – October 15, 2021 Israel has once again used civilian aircraft as a shield against Syrian air defense systems during its attacks on the Arab country, says a Russian general. “On October 13, from 23:35 to 23:39, four F-16 tactical fighters of the Israeli Air Force entered Syrian airspace in the US-occupied al-Tanf […]

Congress has introduced over 70 pieces of Israel-centric legislation so far in 2021

By Kathryn Shihadah – If Americans Knew – October 14, 2021 For a country that practices apartheid, defies international law, and engages in ethnic cleansing, Israel is popular in the US Congress. During just about 125 days in session, the houses of Congress managed to entertain more than 70 new pieces of legislation pandering to Israel. It is no […]

Is it Time for a Special Counsel on the Hunter Biden Scandal?

By Jonathan Turley | October 14, 2021 “Come on H this is linked to Celtic’s account.” Those nine words from a retired Secret Service agent to Hunter Biden in recently released emails may prove a nasty complication for some in Washington who have struggled to contain the blowback from the still-unfolding scandal linked to Hunter […]

Anti-Trump Neocons Led By Ex-CIA Operative To Back Democrats In Midterms

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | October 14, 2021 A group of Republicans who hate all things Trump are set to endorse a slate of Democratic lawmakers throughout next year’s midterm election season in a bid to stop the Republican party from regaining control of Congress. Led in part by former CIA counterintelligence officer […]