United States

January 6 Could Be Washington’s Part of FBI’s Multi-State Operation Cold Snap, Argues US Observer

Ekaterina Blunova | Sputnik | October 18, 2021 FBI’s involvement in 6 January riots could be bigger than the mainstream media have recently acknowledged, according to US political commentator Julie Kelly. She wonders whether the DC incident was part of the agency’s Operation Cold Snap against Whitmer kidnapping case plotters, unveiled by BuzzFeed in July […]

‘Hypocrite’ Joe Biden Caught Violating DC’s Mask Mandate At Georgetown Restaurant

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | October 18, 2021 As children across the country are forced to cover their faces for hours at a time to attend school, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill were caught on camera flouting DC’s mask mandates at an upscale Georgetown restaurant, Fiola Mare (whose mask policy they were […]

Civil liberties are being trampled by exploiting “insurrection” fears. Congress’s 1/6 Committee may be the worst abuse yet.

By Glenn Greenwald | October 17, 2021 When a population is placed in a state of sufficiently grave fear and anger regarding a perceived threat, concerns about the constitutionality, legality and morality of measures adopted in the name of punishing the enemy typically disappear. The first priority, indeed the sole priority, is to crush the threat. Questions about […]

The Age of Chatham House and the British Roots of NATO

With the expulsion of half of Russian’s diplomatic delegation to NATO, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Dimitry Peskov stated that “NATO is not an instrument of cooperation, not an instrument for interaction; it is a bloc that overall is anti-Russian in nature… These actions, of course, do not allow us to pretend there is a possibility […]

COVID Vaccine Mandates Are Killing Aviation, Healthcare, Other Critical Services. Is It Intentional?

The Defender | October 15, 2021 The widespread hemorrhaging of experienced public- and private-sector employees — a “man-made disaster of historic proportions,” according to former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul — is hollowing out some of the most important public-facing professions in the country. Although many factors are at play, COVID vaccine mandates are a significant contributor, with employers refusing […]

Oligarchic empire is working harder to bolt down our minds in service of its agendas. And that gives us hope…

By Caitlin Johnstone | RT | October 16, 2021 Propagandists work so hard to manufacture our consent for the status quo even as more and more people, including extremely influential ones, begin questioning whether we’re being deliberately deceived about everything. Silicon Valley is working more and more openly in conjunction with the US government, and its algorithms elevate empire-authorized narratives while […]

The US Has Placed Itself In Charge Over Which Nations Get To Eat

By Caitlin Johnstone | October 17, 2021 The globally influential propaganda multiplier news agencies AP and AFP have both informed their readers that a “fugitive” has been extradited to the United States. “Fugitive businessman close to Venezuela’s Maduro extradited to US,” reads the AFP headline. “Alex Saab, a top fugitive close to Venezuela’s socialist government, has been put on a plane […]

Men ‘cleared’ for release from GITMO is a cruel, twisted joke

It likely means years of languishing until some client state takes them on board under Washington’s strict conditions By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos | Responsible Statecraft | October 15, 2021 The announcement that the Biden Administration has cleared two more Guantanamo Bay detainees for transfer is a hopeful sign in as much that two men have surpassed one […]