United States

One Brave ICU Physician Reporting Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries Leads to a Dozen More

11 sworn declarations from physicians across the country reflect the disregard public health agencies have for Covid-19 vaccine safety By Aaron Siri | November 1, 2021 One act of bravery begins to snowball. Dr. Patricia Lee “risked it all” to step forward, after being ignored by public health officials, to reveal the serious series of […]

The Facebook Team that Tried to Swing Nicaragua’s Election is Full of U.S. Spies

A tacit agreement between the government and Facebook appears to have been made: you can keep the profits, but we control the message. As such, a cynic might wonder what functional difference there is between Facebook and the national security state.
The post The Facebook Team that Tried to Swing Nicaragua’s Election is Full of U.S. Spies appeared first on MintPress News.

The old saying was right: kill your television

(and your smartphone) By Richard Hugus | November 8, 2021 A month ago, illegal and criminal coercion toward covid injections in the workplace was announced by the Biden Administration. Many have lost their jobs for rightly refusing this unsafe, ineffective, and possibly life-changing medical procedure. Now it has been announced by the pharma-owned FDA and […]

CDC Director, Walensky, treats LA Senator with contempt for asking simple questions

By Meryl Nass, MD | November 7, 2021 Physician Senator Cassidy asked Rochelle Walensky a few questions the other day. It was remarkable what she did not know or would not answer. 1.  How many CDC employees are vaccinated? A: We are educating them. 2.  How many CDC emplyees are working from home? He thought 75%? […]

Blacklisting the Merchants of Spyware

In a modest effort to disrupt the global spyware market, the United States announced last week that four entities had been added to its blacklist.  On November 3, the US Department of Commerce revealed that it would be adding Israel-based companies NSO Group and Candiru to its entity list “based on evidence that these entities […]
The post Blacklisting the Merchants of Spyware first appeared on Dissident Voice.

CDC lies again–it will now try to impose universal Hepatitis B vaccination of adults!

By Meryl Nass, MD | November 7, 2021 The criminals at CDC began 30 years ago to appropriately target iv drug abusers, sex workers and others with a high risk of Hepatitis B to be vaccinated. There were not enough takers, according to CDC, so the public health officials set their sites on newborns, aimed and […]

FDA makes it hard to identify the temporary members who voted on COVID vaccines for 5-11 year olds

By Meryl Nass, MD | November 7, 2021 I want to make it easier for others to correctly identify their conflicts of interest. Below are the permanent members of the committee–but most were not at the meeting, which was stuffed with 11 temporary members whose votes were assured, plus 7 or 8 of the permanent […]