United States

CIA Director Burns Goes to Moscow

BY PHILIP GIRALDI • UNZ REVIEW • NOVEMBER 16, 2021 The recent unprecedented surprise two-day visit by the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William Burns to Moscow for talks with his counterparts has triggered considerable discussion within retired spook circles in and around Washington. Even among active CIA employees the preparations for the […]

Here’s the real reason Comirnaty is not available

It’s all about liability. It will magically become available when the vaccine for children is fully approved, not before. By Steve Kirsch | November 3, 2021 The reason Comirnaty isn’t available is because those shots would expose the company to liability since the fully-licensed product doesn’t have the liability waiver of the EUA product. But […]

Cops probe school board head over eerie ‘dossier’ on parents

RT | November 14, 2021 Scottsdale, Arizona Police are investigating a school board president after he was found to have access to a digital dossier which included social security numbers and divorce records of parents who held opposing views. Jann-Michael Greenburg, the president of the Scottsdale Unified School District board, made headlines this week after […]

How much does vaccine efficacy drop over 6 months? The VA and CDC duke it out

Whose data are better? Whose study was peer-reviewed? Who got published in Science magazine? By Meryl Nass, MD | November 13, 2021 CDC is always finding ways to massage their data or use estimates instead of real numbers to “prove” the veracity of whatever narrative it is currently pushing. But I think CDC did not […]