United States

New law allows for warrantless spying on Australians – where next?

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | November 30, 2021 The Australian Signals Directorate, Canberra’s equivalent of Britain’s GCHQ or the US National Security Agency, will be granted sweeping new powers to spy on Australians for the first time since its November 1947 founding. The move allows the agency to collect signals intelligence on individuals within the country […]

Camila Saab Speaks Out: Wife of Venezuelan Diplomat “Kidnapped” by US Gov’t Talks to MintPress

While Washington cannot choose the president of Venezuela, it can make life impossible for officials, such as Alex Saab, who attempt to defy its sanctions regime. 
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Ghislaine Maxwell Is Finally on Trial!

Don’t expect much – the cover-up has already begun! BY PHILIP GIRALDI • UNZ REVIEW • NOVEMBER 30, 2021 Jeffrey Epstein procurer Ghislaine Maxwell is finally in court going through the juror selection process and opening arguments after a 17 month stay at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. Given Epstein’s somewhat suspicious departure from […]

Rittenhouse verdict puts “broken” Jury system in the establishment crosshairs

By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | November 30, 2021 “If Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t break the law, we should change the law” This quote, from late-night TV host Stephen Colbert, is one of the more concerning reactions to Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty of murder. What law, precisely, Mr Colbert would see changed is never specified. […]

Everything Biden touches turns to ash

By Donald Forbes | TCW Defending Freedom | November 30, 2021 FORTUNE has turned against US Democrats, eroding the tyranny of progressives, the ideological minority who control the Biden administration and swathes of the country’s key institutions such as education, justice and corporate management. Polls say Americans are changing their minds in droves about cashiering […]