United States

An Earlier Warning: “We’re not going back to normal”

By Stephen Lendman | December 9, 2021 In March 2020, then – MIT Technology Review’s editor in chief/current Wired editorial director Gideon Lichfield said the following: “We’re not going back to normal.” A new abnormal that’s “upend(ing) our way of life” in the West is here to stay. Everything most people in the US/West took […]

Twitter bans popular account highlighting Nancy Pelosi stock trades, @NancyTracker

Twitter purges another account that scrutinizes powerful figures By Tom Parker | Reclaim The Net | December 8, 2021 Twitter has booted @NancyTracker, a popular account that documented Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s stock trades and drew attention to the millions of dollars she and her husband have generated through trading. The account had […]

China Winter Olympics: US Boycott

President Biden, in full mood of marking “red lines” against Russia and Ukraine in a virtual meeting with Vladimir Putin, does not forget the importance of boycotting China’s Winter Olympic Games. It’s a diplomatic boycott only, so says Madame Jen Psaki, White House press secretary. Nevertheless, she and Biden are wishing the US sport-participants best […]
The post China Winter Olympics: US Boycott first appeared on Dissident Voice.